Derek Maguire takes on The Great York Walk!

A project by: Derek Maguire



from 37 donors

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Good luck to you Derek and all the walkers. Great cause. Hoping for a dry day for you all. Eileen

Well done for doing this!

Good luck, Derek!

Good luck Derek and Happy Birthday for 12th! Olwen

The challenge - a pint of Guinness as well if complete.

You ve picked a cracking day to hike 25 miles. Thought you had a bus pass now !!! Good luck Derek. Cheers John

What a way to spend your birthday ! Good luck. Rather you than me !

Hi Derek, Sorry to hear you’ve gone “ mental”, what way to spend your birthday 😂😂. Good luck on the day. John

Good luck, couldn't do it myself as need a new hip - this ageing process is a real bugger!

Well done Derek but 25 miles? You must be mad!

Good luck Derek x