Frank takes on York's Marathon Month 2023!

A project by: Francis Stevens



from 18 donors

1 year, 4 months ago

This is my final update as we are now at the end of the month.

I have walked a total of 263.5 miles (10.05 marathon units). This is the distance from the Seahorse to Bruges:

That is a marathon every 3 days or so, with a mean daily distance of 8.5 miles (which isn't very far really).

Thanks again to everyone for donating.

1 year, 4 months ago

Hello everyone. I have now walked a total of 157.9 miles this month (equivalent to just over 6 marathons). That is the distance from the Seahorse Hotel in York to the Three Counties Crematorium near Braintree in Essex.

1 year, 4 months ago

I have now walked 5.02 marathon units - the distance from the Seahorse to Norwich Airport

1 year, 4 months ago

Today I walked down to Naburn Lock and back (plus some other local dog walks), bringing my total walked so far this month up to 4.82 marathon units (126.5 miles): roughly the distance from the Seahorse to Grime's Graves Prehistoric Flint Mine!

The spreadsheet is up to date, as is the measurement circle

A minor correction - I got to York Marina (just north of Naburn) rather than Naburn lock.

1 year, 5 months ago

Hello everyone - it is now day 10 October, and this morning I have finished my 3rd marathon (3.01 marathon units). This is the distance from the Seahorse to the Eden Valley Crematorium, near Penrith.

1 year, 5 months ago

It is now the end of day six - I have walked 2.03 marathons this month so far. That is the distance from the Seahorse to Newton-for-Hyde station!

1 year, 5 months ago

Today's update - I have now walked 1.74 Marathons so far this month - the distance from the Seahorse to the western edge of Malham Tarn!

1 year, 5 months ago

Since I have now completed the initial challenge, I will keep walking but now do two new things:

- Measure the distance I have walked in Marathon units rather than miles and km (total so far is 1.39 Marathons, you can check my working on the spreadsheet).

- See how far this distance gets me from the effective centre of the universe, known to most as the Seahorse Hotel on Fawcett Street in York. Here is today's measurement - I could have walked to Bridlington by now.

1 year, 5 months ago

Hello everyone! 

Update number 3 - I have now walked a marathon!

My total distance is now 27.9 miles (44.9 km). I am going to keep walking to see how many more I can walk this month, recording the walks and distances in this spreadsheet.

1 year, 5 months ago

Just a quick update today - I have now walked a total of 19 miles (30.6 km), and this map shows that progress (clockwise) on a York marathon route:

I am aiming to complete my first marathon of walking by the end of tomorrow.

1 year, 5 months ago

Many thanks to everyone who has donated so far.

Today marked a successful start to the marathon month - today I walked 11.7 miles (18.8 km). My main walk took in Walmgate Stray, Hob Moor, Holgate windmill, and (most importantly) the Slavic Foods European Mini Market in Clifton:

I will add regular updates here as the month continues.