Our project!
We are raising £2500 to make our film 'Girl's Club'! A horror surrounding a mysterious cult of women who attempt to make their University campus a 'safe space' by taking revenge on the most predatory men on campus.
Who we are!
We are an entirely female, and/or, queer led team with a real love for classic 70’s horrors and feminism. It’s only in recent years that cinema has made space for films of this nature, and women have struggled to find space in the film industry for years, let alone for something so raw, vulnerable and violent. That's why we would love to create our own space, and with your help, we can achieve that.
Here's our team!
Our story!
Some members of our team deeply resonate with themes we will explore in our film, and it is important for us to show our audience who may also resonate with our story that they are not alone. It is so important for us to try and bring light and tackle the issues of sexual harassment, predatory behaviour and the frequent absence of a safe space for women through our film.
As we are presenting these issues through the lens of a female-led horror film, we hope we can empower everyone who watches, and let them know that they are not alone.
By donating, you also become a part of this process of empowering and offering a space for women who have experienced any form of sexual harassment, to let go of their troubles and lose themselves in a world where they can get the justice they deserve.
Production Design - £700
We have allocated a large portion of our budget to production design! Your money will help us to buy ceremonial robes, masks and daggers, aswell as set dress the 'Girl's Club' headquarters and initiation party to be the best they can be!
Travel & Accommodation - £550
In order to get to our locations more efficiently we will be hiring a van! Also, to help out our amazing actors, we will be using this money to help reimburse any travel and accommodation costs!
Locations - £300
From vast courtyards to secluded basements, your money will help us secure amazing locations that will make our film as visually interesting as possible.
Contingency - £350
To be prepared for any that may arise, we have allocated ourselves a contingency budget.
Catering - £400
Your money will help us make sure to always have hot drinks and snacks available on set and also be able to provide daily meals for all our cast and crew!
Specialist Equipment - £200
To enhance our film we want to buy/hire specialist equipment such as filters, plexiglass and more
We have some great rewards lined up to thanks everyone who donates towards our film! We deeply appreciate every donation whatever the amount you give!
Find us here!
Instagram: @girlsclubfilm
Help us succeed!
If you want to help us out, but can't do so financially at the moment, that's okay! We would really appreciate your support in sharing our project with anyone who might be interested in supporting us, or just in spreading the word, every little helps!
However, if you are able to make a donation, it would mean a lot to us and make a massive difference to making our film a reality. Thank you!