Jess Wardman's Walk for (Mental) Health

A project by: Jess Wardman



from 29 donors

5 years, 2 months ago

Did it.

Got wet, ached like you wouldn't believe, met new people. 

Would actually do it again.

If you were waiting to see if I could do it before sponsoring, here you go.

5 years, 2 months ago

And it's the day! Mildly apprehensive, but excited too. 

All the other mad people. 

5 years, 2 months ago

I utterly failed to add this at the right time, but here it is before the day anyway! 

I managed 20 miles. The walk was quite squiggly, basically being a 10 mile loop, enabling me to grab a sandwich and have a quick loo break at half time. 

While it was generally fine, the last two miles went by very slowly! 

And just as proof, I managed 20 miles in just under five and a half hours! 

5 years, 3 months ago

Wow! You did it! Thank you so much for every bit you pledged, it really means a lot.

Of course, we can always see how far you can get it over the limit, right? 

5 years, 3 months ago

I've been continuing! 

I tried a different 10 miles - both halves heading out and into the country rather than my more usual loop around the city walls. 

And then this weekend I took the plunge, and kicked up the distance to 15 miles... That caused some aching and required me to actually take a drink and have some refreshment! 

5 years, 4 months ago

I've been quiet here, but I've been still training. 

Last week and last night I tried a straight 10 miles. First time, accompanied for the first half, second time accompanied the whole way. First time, just under three hours, second time, comfortably under three hours. 

I think I'm getting a good feel for how different speeds affect me now, which is really helpful. 

I'm away over the bank holiday weekend, but am aiming at a 15 mile walk when I can next. 

5 years, 5 months ago

So the walk on Tuesday didn't happen, and I was away at a wedding yesterday, but this evening everything checked out, and I had another go. 

A similar route this time, but as I got nearly home  I thought I'd extend it a little to hit 6 miles, and then wondered how far 10km was... So I tacked on a further extension to complete that. 

And it took just seconds over one and a half hours. Quite happy with that!

5 years, 5 months ago

Well, here we are now! A published campaign and everything!

And just in time - on Sunday night I thought I'd channel "Defying Gravity", test the limits and see what I can do. So I went for a brisk 6 mile walk around York walls. That went remarkably well, taking just over 1.5 hours, so I'm quite pleased and raring for the next go, which, weather permitting, will be tonight!