• Double your Donation

  • YuFund matchfunded £500 thanks to alumni and friends of York

Partnering with colleagues from Ukraine

A project by: Sam Hellmuth


WE RAISED £3,080

from 71 donors

8 months, 2 weeks ago

Dear supporters!

You should have seen the news on Wednesday that we hit the amazing total of £3080 in our crowdfunder campaign - and by Friday we had secured funds to bridge the small gap (£420) between the sum of your generous gifts and the budget needed for living costs. 

We are deeply grateful to each and every one of you who contributed.

It is your donations - large and small - that have made it possible for our KKNU colleagues to take up the invitation to come to York. The best news of all is that - as I write - they are now on the very last leg of their long journeys to York and will be arriving to campus later this evening. 

So: thank you! We could not have moved ahead with the practical planning needed to make this trip possible without the generosity and speed of your collective community response.

With best wishes, Sam

8 months, 3 weeks ago

It is amazing that we are almost two-thirds of the way to our target - thank you so much to everyone who has contributed!

Flights are now booked, and our friends will arrive in York a week tomorrow :) 

Can you help us with a final push by sharing the crowdfunder link among your friends and networks this weekend, so we can meet our target in the next five days?

8 months, 3 weeks ago

A big thanks to everyone who has supported to far - it is amazing to see that we are now already almost 2/3 of the way to our target!

Our visitors have now had their UK visas issued, and we'll be booking flights this week.

Please continue to share the project in your networks, to help us reach our goal!