Landscapes of Light

A project by: Maria McLintock



from 4 donors

This project received donations on Sat 30 May 2015
Help us to bring our landscapes to light in the magical city of York...


In January of this year I stumbled upon Katie Lumia's Facebook page. I was encapsulated by her world of light-making, a more imaginative, more interactive form of creating light than I had previously encountered. I contacted Katie in the hope she would be willing to let our creative world's collide and sublate to an interactive installation. She replied almost instantly with a virtual nod-of-the-head. We have since set ourselves the task of translating her visions of light landscapes in to an event that allows the viewer, not viewer, the participator, to enter her landscapes of light... 

This interactive exhibition invites the audience to wander through landscape of light created by overhead and magic lantern projectors. The live, analogue, liquid light dances into cosmic starscapes onto human beings to human music, These landscapes are created for humans to dream in.

We invite you to experience 'Landscapes of Light'. 
12th&13th June, The Fleeting Arms, Tickets £3.50 and available from the following Eventbrite page:

the team

Katie Lumia is a York-based light artist. After the success of her debut exhibition, 'Starfishing', Katie has been developing her light installations further. She is constantly experimenting with light mediums, reflectors, technology. What is most inspiring about Katie is her attitude toward her selected artistic medium. She treats light with the up-most care, it is malleable, haptic, but delicate, and you must treat it as you would a living organism, acclimatizing the light to a scene which, in turn, will allow it to reach its full potential. She lives and works in the Yorkshire Moors, which she speaks of with great fondness for inspiring so many aspects of her creative talents. Another one of these being a singer/songwriter, performing under the name Katie Lou McCabe. Katie frequently busks and plays gigs in York and has previously been given a stage at Galtres. 

Please explore the links below:

My name is Maria McLintock. I am a third year student of History of Art at the University of York. Since beginning my degree, I have had an itch to curate an exhibition/installation of an artist's work; more specifically, an artist whom I felt passionate enough about. Katie is just that, and working on this project is teasing me in to pursuing a career in curating. I will be curating/directing 'Landscapes of Light'.

Aryan Mirshahi is a Health Economics Masters student at the University of York. During his undergraduate degree, also at York, he immersed himself in a number of societies and projects. Aryan will be providing a sensible voice to the project, helping us with logistics and budgeting. 

Capturing the project will be Sam Boullier. Sam is a Film&Television Production student at the University of York. He has filmed a number of Katie's music videos, where Katie incorporates her light making with her music. 

where will the money go?

This project is completely not-for-profit. If we surpass out estimations the profits we have made will be going towards The Fleeting Arms, who we cannot thank enough for providing such an incredible space and letting us do whatever we wish with it. 

Our £400 target covers the following:

  • Materials (including light equipment): £250
  • Printing Posters/Tickets: £50
  • Paying musician/dancer/helpers: £80
  • Making rewards (see reward section): £30
  • Fees: £40

How you can help

Tickets to the exhibition are £3.50. There are only 100 tickets available so make sure you grab one early or they may be sold out! You can buy tickets here:

The purpose of this page is to raise £300 to cover expenses and material costs. To help us do this you can buy some of Katie's beautiful artwork capturing her light, available from the rewards section of this site. 

We appreciate anything you can donate to the exhibition. Even just sharing this page with your Facebook friends! 

Thank you for taking the time to read through our project and we hope to see you at the exhibition.
