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  • YuFund matchfunded £100 thanks to alumni and friends of York

Am Dram

A project by: Gery Kirilova


WE RAISED £2,500

from 64 donors

This project received donations on Mon 10 Jan 2022
A studio sitcom about a deluded ex-drama teacher and her amateur theater group

THE story

Am Dram is a sitcom about a small town amatuer dramatics group. They are led by the eccentric Amelia, a former drama teacher desperate to prove herself as the creative voice of her generation in spite of being far too ambitious, bizarre, and a bit rubbish.

Joining her are her former star student Sam, the ultra-cool Eric, the know-it-all Lucy and the grumpy caretaker of the studio, Richard.

Who are we?

We are a group of Third Year Film & Television Production students who are extremely passionate about getting this show made!

We’ve all been fully-trained to operate our department’s industry-standard Television Studio and are excited to make this sitcom a reality - and that’s where you come in...

Why do we want to make 'am dram'?

We love sitcoms and we especially love our sitcom as it deals with themes such as ambition and failure - themes incredibly close to all of us and everyone who’s creative!

Sadly, nowadays there are fewer and fewer multi camera sitcoms and we want to change that! With Am Dram we’ll push the boundaries of multi camera sitcoms and showcase what a group of final year students could do with creative limitations! If you’re tired of people saying multi camera sitcoms are dying, please support our project!

Where will the money go?

Set construction and design - £900

Our show will be produced in the TFTI studio and we will need to disguise it as a small town community centre! Amelia also uses an office (that isn't really hers), which we also need to build from scratch.

Set dressing and props - £500

What is the 'To be or not to be?' monologue without the skull? In order to make Am Dram's plays and rehearsals come to life, we would need various props and set design elements!

Wardrobe and make-up - £450

Our designer is already stressed out by the costume ideas we're pitching during our writing meetings, so let's make life easier for her! 

Travel - £200

We'll also need to cover the traveling cost of our cast members!

Catering - £200

We need to ensure to ensure a comfortable environment for everyone in the studio. 

Contingency - £250

In the world of Am Dram, things always go wrong! Hopefully that doesn't happen with our crew too but it's always a good idea to have a backup! 


  • £5 - Thank you so much for your contribution! You'll receive a personal thank you on social media!
  • £10 -  Thank you so much for your contribution! You'll receive all of the above and a digital download of the three episodes of our sitcom!
  • £25 - Thank you so much for your contribution! You'll receive all of the above and a digital download of the script, as well as production documents such as floor plans and camera scripts. 
  • £50 - Thank you so much for your contribution! You'll receive all of the above and your name will appear in the credits of the show!
  • £75 - Thank you so much for your contribution! You'll receive all of the above and Am Dram pin badges! (Only if you're in the UK due to shipping costs!)
  • £100 - Thank you so much for your contribution! You'll receive all of the above and your name will be incorporated in the story world!
  • £200 - As a thank you for your generous contribution, you'll receive all of the above and the community centre will be named after you! 

Meet our lovely team!


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmDramFTP2022 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_am.dram_/ 

 Thank you so much for helping us succeed!

  • If you like what we're doing, please support us by following us on social media!
  • In fact, share it with everyone you know as we think it's a great idea, and the more people who know about it, the more likely we are to make this work out brilliantly.
  • And we know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please sponsor us and help make this happen. Even small donations would really help us out!