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  • YuFund matchfunded £500 thanks to alumni and friends of York

A Tale Of Two

A project by: Katie Wood


WE RAISED £1,380

from 23 donors

This project received donations on Fri 21 Jul 2017
A new musical by Olly Wood to be premiered at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2017

CHMS are taking a completely original and emotional musical to the Edinburgh Fringe and we need your help to get us there! A story of heartbreak, mental health and hope for the future, your help can make this beautiful musical come to life.

Firstly, a bit about all of us! This is the second show CHMS have taken to the Edinburgh Fringe. The first, Wonderland, opened at the Edinburgh Fringe in August 2015 to sell-out audiences! Both musicals have been written by the fabulous Olly Wood. We have some insanely talented people in our cast and production team. Many of them are off to further their talents in September in institutions such as Guildford School of Acting, Mountview Academy, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama and the Royal Academy of Music. Enough about us…. more about the show and a little note from our director:

As director, the most exciting thing about this process is watching the birth of this show from the ground up, and having the luxury of picking the composer's brain whilst creating my artistic vision. Our show is a newly written concept musical that aims to beautifully and tastefully capture the highly stigmatised subject of mental health, an illness that is all too prevalent in young people today. The show focuses on the friendship between two children and their relationships with imagination and reality.

Through song and dance we are hoping to create an abstract masterpiece that captures beauty, wonder, and innocence, as well as darkness and self-doubt. This is a show with ambition and passion and we can't do this without your help. We have a cast of seven brilliant performers, people with the ability to capture an audience with raw emotion and talent in a split second. You can imagine funding a show at the largest Arts Festival in the world is no small feat! We would absolutely love if it you could help in any way possible, and ultimately help bring a topic that is often overlooked and undermined to audiences from around the world.

So the BIG question…. Where will the money go ?

Here is an insight into what our budget currently looks like and we will keep you updated on project costs!

  • Venue - £2100
  • Set/props - £500
  • Costume - £150
  • Transport of set - £250
  • Flyers/P&P - £600
  • Accommodation/Travel to Edinburgh - £3,800

TOTAL - £7,400

As you can see, our YuStart target is not enough to cover all the costs of the show. We are also engaging in other fundraising activities such as applying for sponsorship, busking and event organising.

If we do reach our target, please still continue to donate as there is so much more we could do with the extra money to make this show even more incredible.

What’s in it for you?

We have some fab rewards to thank everyone who donates, whatever the amount you might give. Check them out!

Also, check us out on social media here and give us a cheeky like - https://www.facebook.com/ATaleOfTwo2017/ #TellUsATale

And finally, to you - thank you SO much for reading this. You don't need to give money to help us succeed! Please share this project with anyone you think would support us – on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog! ….. And we know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please sponsor us and help make this dream a reality <3

Love from,

The A Tale of Two team x