YuFund matchfunded £100
generated 346 clicks, donated £25.00, and caused 1 donation of £100.00
caused 1 donation of £25.00
caused 1 donation of £5.00
3 anonymous donations totalling £330.00
YuFund matchfunded £100 thanks to alumni and friends of York
A project by: Oscar Bentley
from 33 donors
YuFund matchfunded £100
generated 346 clicks, donated £25.00, and caused 1 donation of £100.00
caused 1 donation of £25.00
caused 1 donation of £5.00
3 anonymous donations totalling £330.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
25 claimedThanks for donating! To show our appreciation for your contribution, you will receive a special shout out on the Before You Go Twitter account.
3 claimedAt donating £25, you will receive a personalised thank you note handwritten on a postcard all the way from the Isle of Man, as well as a shoutout on our Twitter.
2 claimedAt donating £50, you will receive all of the above rewards, as well as a digital copy of the shooting script used for Before You Go!
1 claimedBy donating £75, you will have access to your very own digital HD copy of Before You Go and a contributor credit within the credits of the finished film, as well as every other reward.
0 claimedWe appreciate your generosity! For donating £100, you will receive all of the above, as well as a Before You Go poster signed by all of the crew!
2 claimedFor just £50 more, we will be giving you the opportunity to have your full name hidden within a shot of the finished film, alongside all the other rewards above.
0 claimedA HUGE thank you! You will receive all mentioned perks, but also be invited to a private screening of the final film with all of the crew members! (travel and accommodation expenses not included)
0 claimedAmazing - thank you for being our highest pledger! You will receive everything mentioned so far, as well as an exclusive prop used on set and featured in the final film, and exclusive artwork designed in pre-production!
2 claimedTell us why you are reporting this project: