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Brake Light

A project by: Zoe Dickinson


WE RAISED £2,500

from 70 donors

This project received donations on Sun 14 Mar 2021
How bad can a romantic weekend away go?

Brake Light

How bad can a romantic weekend away go? Support our project and find out.

Thank you for clicking on our page! We are a group 3rd Year Film and Television Students hoping to raise £2500 for our final year project, a short film called Brake Light. This is our one opportunity to showcase everything that we have worked so hard to learn during our time here at the University of York but this will only be possible with your help. 

Brake Light is a dark comedy depicting Ulla and Ian, a married couple, who must overcome their incessant bickering in order to cover up a murder they’ve accidentally committed. We want to depict the realities of being confined with another person, the deep seated tensions that arise as a result, but ultimately, that we have to choose to love those around us - a theme we feel will be particularly poignant after this past year. 

Any assistance you can give in order to make this dream a reality for us will be massively appreciated as the challenges faced with this shoot will be by no means small, but we are excited to take on the challenge - masks and all. 

Meet The Team:

Fiona Hughes - Director // Sam Wilson - Writer // Zoe Dickinson - Producer // Theo Farrant - Sound Designer // Dan Derbyshire - Director of Photography // Zoe Kewbank - Production Designer // Karinna Hollins - Assistant Director // Jonathan Hughes - Editor

Where will the money go?

Travel and Transport - £750

A large amount of the budget will be used to hire vans to transport the cast, crew, and kit to our locations around Yorkshire.

Locations - £600

To ensure we have the best and safest locations, a portion of the budget will go towards hiring a private road to film in a moving car as well as other locations throughout the script.

Production Design - £350

To make our film look the best it can, a portion of the money is set aside for set design. This will include the fake blood and guts for the gore in the film; costume for the actors, and money to hire the main character’s car.

Catering - £300

Filming outside at night will be a challenge, so a portion of the budget will be set aside to ensure the cast and crew are well fed and have a decent supply of tea and coffee to keep them going.

Specialist Equipment - £250

Some specialist equipment will be needed to get the perfect shots and exact cinematography our DOP desires.

Contingency - £250

We have all learnt in the last year that things don’t always go to plan. We have set aside an amount of contingency money, so we are prepared if something unexpected arises.

Find us here

This project cannot happen without your help! All donations big or small will be greatly appreciated. 

If you are unable to donate but still want to help, please spread the word! Share us on social media!

You can follow our story on our social media accounts:

Facebook: Brake Light

Instagram: @BrakeLight2021

Twitter: @BrakeLight2021

Thank you so much from everyone involved in Brake Light!