Free the Flow York

A project by: Free the Flow York



from 21 donors

This project received donations on Thu 30 Apr 2020
We need your help to support menstruators on campus and in the wider community

Hiya, we're Free the Flow York, a student-led group tackling period poverty, educating menstruators and spreading period positivity!

The idea for Free the Flow York was sparked by a 3rd year student called Holly, who was shocked at the prevalence of period poverty she found when volunteering at a food bank. The project helps University of York students by campaigning for the provision of free sanitary products across campus, and educating students about everything period-related! We also support menstruators further afield, such as in the Gambia with the ‘For Now, For Life’ project. 

Period poverty is an issue which is often overlooked. Think about how often you see free condoms given out, compared to how often you see period products being provided. This is an issue which particularly affects vulnerable people such as the homeless. Surprisingly for many, it's also a problem which is impacting students on campus. Campaigning for free sanitary products on campus is one of our main aims to relieve the financial burden of menstruating students. We also work to reduce the stigma around periods and educate menstruators on how to be more sustainable. We hold regular events, such as ‘Menstruation Conversations’ which included talks on menstruating in Sri Lanka, ‘green’ periods, and period poverty in Nepal. We're currently building links with with other universities and with local community groups across York.

As Covid-19 increases strains on services such as foodbacks which typically provide sanitary products, and those on low incomes are squeezed even further financially, it's as important as ever to address period poverty. Furthermore, by supporting us to spread period positivity you can create help create unity in challenging times, and counter all the negative news we're hearing at the moment.

As a donor, you can support us in meeting the needs of menstruators in York and beyond.

  • £5 will enable us to buy 5 packs of pads
  • £30 pays for one of our events, such as 'Menstruation Conversations
  • £50 would cover the costs of one of our National Liaison Officers visiting one of our sister groups
  • £200 would provide ‘Free the Flow’ stickers, mugs and T shirts to spread the word about our work.

You can help menstruators further afield by donating, as you'll help us organise fundraising events for our collaboration with Project Gambia, whereby we aim to work alongside local communities in The Gambia to establish a sewing business and school to produce sustainable menstrual hygiene packs for the menstruators in the community.

As a donor, you will be kept up to date with everything Free the Flow York is achieving by our lovely publicity officer, Faith. You can find us on Facebook and Instagram at ‘Free the Flow York’, where we share posts about what we’re up to, and post about all things period! You’ll be given some cool stickers to help you spread the word about everything which Free the Flow York does. You’ll be supporting menstruators closer to home, and on the other side of the world! Each penny you give will help eliminate period poverty and provide valuable information to menstruators. 

