The Griff Investment Fund Networking Event

A project by: Griff Investment Fund



from 2 donors

Looking to fundraise to support our annual alumni event and provide networking opportunities

A short summary of our project

The Griff Investment Fund are raising money to help with funding our annual alumni drinks in London which offers the unique opportunity for students to network with alumni across different industries and careers. It also aids in strengthening the ties between our current members and previous members creating a more cohesive network of people. This alumni drinks has been running for several years and would be great shame if we were unable to host what has been such an amazing and beneficial event. We are looking to fundraise money as our budget for operational costs has fallen due to financial pressures. Below we have some quotes from some members of the Griff Investment Fund on what impact the fund has had on them.

“The fund, and my role as CEO, has allowed me to build an excellent network of both student and professional connections.” Harrison Riche, CEO

“This experience has been the highlight of my university years and the core stepping stone to my future career in equity research.” Weng Lum Khoo, CIO

Who are we?

The Griff Investment Fund is the first real money student-run investment fund which manages a part of the University of York's endowment. We have been running since 2013 and have managed to grow our AUM from £10,000 to around £17,000 as well as educate hundreds of students.

Our story

The Griff Investment Fund's goals since creation have been to provide a level of education and experience that no other finance societies can offer. The whole structure of the fund is based around immersing students into the world of finance and investing through allowing them to actively create investment ideas and evaluate others ideas. Our annual drinks is an extension of these goals by allowing students to talk to professionals within their desired job sector and learn about what life is like within these jobs. This is a very rare opportunity for students to have access to, which makes it so important that we are still able to host it this year.

Where will your money go?

  • It will go towards a great venue to host our alumni event, which will cost around £1000 for the event.
  • It will got towards food and drinks that we will offer to people upon arriving.
  • It will help students to network with professionals from a huge range of careers.
  • It will allow us to make the event free for everyone to come to. This will mean that more students are able to attend and there are no financial barriers, which is very important for us. It will also help boost alumni attendance, allowing for more networking opportunities.

Find us here

You can find us on our website:

Help us succeed!

It would mean so much to all of us in the Griff Investment Fund if you could donate any amount of money to help towards our goal. Sharing this project with family members and friends would also mean so much, as we try to reach as many people as possible for this amazing project.