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Day 7! Thank you all for your support xo
Day 6! Almost there, fastest walk yet as solo - completed 4.2miles
Day 5 and only around 8miles to go! Hoping I can time the walks around the weather!
Day 4 done and still got a fair bit to do in the next 3 days but ready! 11.9miles to go!
Also finding a good app to accurately track progress hasn't been easy! (thank goodness for Google Maps for planning out a route)
Day 3 completed! Already it's apparent how trying to fit in time to engage in exercise and step away from work is actually really difficult sometimes. Giving yourself a space for mental respite isn't all that straightforward and easy when combined with all the other demands of life!
Day 2! This walk felt so much further than it was!
Day 1 complete! Around 3.7miles!
Wow thank you so much to all who have donated so far! Your generosity is much appreciated! The target has been met already and I'm hoping this energy ensures it will be surpassed! Any and all donations will make a difference, so please keep sponsoring!
Thank you!!