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  • YuFund matchfunded £250 thanks to alumni and friends of York

Nobody Wants You Student Film

A project by: Chyna Wright


WE RAISED £2,530

from 49 donors

Help fund our film about Julian, a man who joins the dating show Nobody Wants You in search of love.

A short summary of your project

Hello! We are trying to raise £2500 to help fund our short film, Nobody Wants You, for our Third Year Undergraduate Film and Television final project. Your generosity will make an immense difference to us. 

Our satirical comedy follows Julian, a sympathetic yet misunderstood man who joins the dating show 'Nobody Wants You' in search of love - yet is unaware he is being exploited by the show's morally dubious host. To bring our story to fruition, we need your help! Any donation - no matter how small - will help us make our vision a reality. 

    Who are you?

We are a team of passionate third year Film and Television students at the University of York, dedicated to creating unique and compelling films. In particular, we are interested in telling comedic yet socially relevant stories with a distinct aesthetic and tonal vision - blending humour and heart, satire and social commentary. 

your story

We hope that with your donations and support, we can offer our viewers an entertaining, humorous, and at times ludicrous watch. Our story allows for interesting visual and narrative experimentation that we are so so excited to explore. Taking comedic inspiration from the parody and satire greats such as Airplane! and Anchorman, we aim are passionate about creating a film that explores the themes of individuality, love, and the character of the underdog, whilst blending absurdism, humour, and social commentary. 

We're looking to develop our individual skills, push ourselves creatively, and bring our wacky story to life. But to do Nobody Wants You justice and make it as weirdly wonderful as possible, we really need your help!

Where will the money go?

Your donations will help us bring our story to life. Although we are a production working under the University of York, we are still operating as an independent project. Your support of independent film will be highly appreciated, regardless of the amount! We need your help to cover essential costs such as production expenses, location fees, and post-production - Nobody Wants You will require a huge amount of work to create incredible sets, production design, and special effects to make our vision feasible! Every contribution, no matter the size, fuels our mission to bring our ambitious story to fruition. 

If we reach our target of £2500, we intend to split it roughly as follows:

  • Set Construction and Design: £800

Nobody Wants You will be a complex challenge to film, as we will rely on set-within-a-set of sorts - a large and over-the-top dating show set within a tv studio. As such, we will have to build large sets from scratch.

  • Props and Costumes: £500

We have a clear and heightened aesthetic vision in mind and our set design, set dressing and props will aim, to complement this - as colourful and over the top as possible. And what would any film be without costumes?

  • Catering Costs: £400

Over the course of this 6 day shoot, part of the money will be going towards keeping the cast and crew well feed and looked after. 

  • Travel: £350

We can use this money to offset our cast and crew's travel expenses, and accommodation if they are travelling from afar.

  •  Specialist Equipment: £100

For us to achieve our unique experimental vision, we will need some extra equipment, along with the boring stuff such as hard drives to store all our incredible footage. 

  •  Festival Fees: £100

We are planning to enter Nobody Wants You into festivals - festivals are costly, and we will need the funds!

  • Contingency: £250

We've all seen Apocalypse Now, and know that even on the most well-planned productions, things go wrong! This money can be saved to handle any unforseen circumstances. If this exceeds our target, we can use these funds to provide more food for our cast and crew, and build better and more complex sets and props to heighten our film's quality.


To show you just how grateful we are for your donations, we've curated a variety of rewards! Check them out on the right-hand side. 

good news for early donors

Not only do the first donors have first pick of rewards, but YuStart also offers Match-funding, and will match the first £250 we are donated - all the more reasons to get your donations in early!

Find us here

You can follow the journey of this production and stay updated on our progress on Instagram at @nobodywantsyoufilm, or by clicking on the link: https://www.instagram.com/nobodywantsyoufilm?igsh=MTV4YnZodTVyaTVhZw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr . Or you can email us at nobodywantsyoustudentfilm@gmail.com

Help us succeed!

If you'd love to get involved but aren't able to financially, don't worry! Your contribution, whether financial or through spreading the word, will make the world of difference to us. We would be so grateful if you would be able to spread the news, and share our project with anyone who would support us - on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, over the phone, or in a passing chat. The more people who know about it, the more likely we are to produce our best work possible. 

Whilst you don't need to give money to help us, we would love it if you did! Please, sponsor us and help make Nobody Wants You happen.

Thank you and thank you!