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Student Short Film about Diabetes Type 1

A project by: Leona Klocke


WE RAISED £2,650

from 22 donors

Support our short film drama to increase awareness about Diabetes Type 1!

What It is about

You are supporting a student short film about a teenage girl which is diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes. It will increase awareness in our society and can help affected families.Your support will help us to make an incredible short film and reach a greater audience after completing the film.

Who we are

We are Laura, Venkat and Leona from the MA in Film and TV Production at the University of York, and we are completing this film as our master project. We will be supported by the freelancing production manager Julian Shaw, our fellow students and other volunteers.

our story

Have you ever heard someone saying that "diabetics cannot eat sugar"? Shortly said, it's wrong. There is much that society is not aware of and we would like to change this, at least in one small point. Many children and young people also in the UK are diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes every year, but most of us do not know about symptoms and how you can spot it. A child can die when diagnosed to late which is why it is so important to increase awareness.

Our shortfilm tells the story of a teenage girl called Ivie, that starts to struggle in life, failing running competitions and school exams. There is something holding her back to succeed but nobody, including herself, understand what happens to her. Nobody recognizes that she is severely ill.

This is a fictional story about one girl, but it stands for the story of many children in her situation. With your help, families can be better prepared and help to spot the symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes - thirstiness, tiredness, urge to urinate and getting thinner.

Where will the money go?

We have a small budget of 1.000 Pounds from the university. However, this will not be enough to create this 15-min shortfilm with incredible actors, appropriate locations, costumes and props. If we are able to raise at least 1.000 Pounds, we intend to use them as follows:

Locations: £300. There are a couple additional spots in York that would make great backdrops for other scripted scenarios. We hope to discover a magnificent house, several racetracks, a classroom...We already found a spot to film or hospital scene.

Travel: £300. We can use this money to partially offset our cast and crew's travel expenses.

Specialised equipment: £250. For us to obtain the bold shots we want and have our film looking ready for the festival, we'll need a few extra lighting and camera setups. The film covers a lot of running where you need some extra equipment.

Catering costs: £400. Over the course of this 5 to 6 day shoot, we would love to be able to feed our actors and crew in order to keep them well and ready to give their best performance.

Actors: £250. Although there will be also student actors, we will need professional actors to make the story powerful. We will also have many extras to organize.

Props: £300. We will be requiring some props for the house scenes, hospital and for the running races to add more impact to the scenes. Especially medical equipment must be realistic.

Festival fees: £100. We are planning to apply to festivals with the project to increase awareness in the bigger society. Festivals are costly, which is why we need those funds.

Contingency: £100. On a movie production, things always go wrong, so we're saving this cash to make sure we can handle any unforeseen circumstances.

If we raise more money than our target, we will be able to pay actors and actresses a higher compensation and provide more food. Also, we would be able to pay actors accommodation if they are travelling from outside. We will be able to find more suitable locations if we have a higher budget for locations which increases the quality of the film. Also, we could apply for more festivals after finishing the film to increase our audience.


Thank you already for your support as it means much for us and our project! Check out our great rewards for donating.

Find us here

You can find our official website here: https://one-hundred-percent-film.co.uk/. Please also follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/100_percent_film/.

We will keep you updated on these channels.

Help us succeed!

You can't just help us with money to succeed but it also helps us if you could promote our project. Please feel free to share our project with friends and family and on you social media channels. Just mention this crowdfunding post, our instagram @100_percent_film or our website.

Either way, we are grateful for your support  to make our short film a success!

Photo on poster created with leonardo.ai