Audrey takes on York's Marathon Month!

A project by: Audrey Bounaix



from 13 donors

Sponsor me to complete a marathon to help transform the state of mental health in York and beyond

I'm raising £150 to support a range of mental health initiatives in the city of York


One year ago, I ran 10 km in Paris to raise funds for research to fight cystic fibrosis. One year later, I’m taking part in other very important cause in my new home, Yorkshire: mental health.  


Stress, depression, dark thoughts, mental burnout ... for more than a year the Covid pandemic has had an impact on everyone’s mental health. Everyone has been affected by mental health, one way or another. In my early thirties, changing job and adapting to a new culture have been quite daunting. Making new friends has not been easy too and I doubt about myself on a daily basis. I feel a better way to overcome my own struggles would be to push myself for a cause close to my heart by raising funds for Mentally Fit York at the University of York.


I'm taking part in the very first York Marathon Month to help to transform mental health by raising funds for Mentally Fit York at the University of York. Mental ill-health doesn't discriminate and whether we're experts in mental health or not, we should all be able to feel safe and supported in talking to each other about our mental health. 

So together with a great community of people I'm going to complete a virtual marathon in the month of October! My goal is to run 42.20 km next month. You should be able to track my progress here.

Please donate anything you can to help my target and improve mental health in York and beyond! :)

about mentally fit york

My marathon will be in aid of Mentally Fit York, which will promote good mental health on a local, national and international scale. Your support will be used to fund initiatives such as 24/7 mental health support for York students and research projects to further our understanding of mental health issues and the barriers to accessing support services.

Your support may also go towards providing suicide prevention training, Mental Health Nursing Scholarships or it could contribute to a range of other initiatives which are decided by an expert panel of mental health and wellbeing researchers, practitioners and advocates. Find out more about what Mentally Fit York has supported here.

 Follow me to find out how I am doing!

- Merci -