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The Window Between Us

A project by: Lucy Phillips


WE RAISED £2,500

from 58 donors

This project received donations on Wed 05 Jan 2022
Two isolated souls rekindle their love after 40 years apart

Our Project

The Window Between Us is a drama-comedy that follows a lonely window cleaner, Tony. After becoming bound to a hospital ward, Tony finds himself face-to-face with his ex, Paul - who he hasn’t seen in forty years…

Still affected by his and Paul’s discrete relationship, Tony now spends his life on the outside; cleaning windows, always looking in and very lonely. Paul is now a father and a husband, but for years has lived in secret, ashamed of his sexuality; a life of guilt that has now followed him to his death bed.

This is a story about moving on from the past, touching on themes of self-acceptance. We are passionate about creating a film with older, LGBTQ+ representation, yet a story that everyone can relate to, regardless of their sexuality. But, to bring this unique story to life, we need your help.

We are raising £2,500 to fund this original short. In donating, you will drive us forward to reach our production target, which is crucial to bring this whole film to life. 

We’ve got a whole lot in store - but it all starts with you! Please help us make this project a reality by contributing to our budget. We thank you in advance.

Meet the Team:

We are a very passionate team who are all very excited to create a heartfelt story that will make you laugh and make you cry. We have been collaborating with each other in our specialist departments, bouncing ideas off of each other and getting creative. This is a truly collective effort and we look forward to sharing the end result with you all.

To learn more about each individual and their involvement in the project, make sure to check out our social media accounts, which can be found at the bottom of the page.

Where your money will go

We are so grateful for any amount, big or small, that you are able to donate. This is how your sponsorship will spent:

Locations: £500

A hospital setting plays a key role in the story we want to tell. With the current and ongoing pandemic, access to a real life hospital won’t be possible. Nevertheless, we are still determined to film on-location. We will spend a portion of the funds on hiring out warehouses and office spaces - which brings us on to...

Set Design: £600

In order to create a true-to-life hospital, we will be hiring out accurate medical equipment, props, and apparatus. 

The budget will also cover the cost of costumes, hair and makeup to convey the characters and the hospital aesthetic.

Travel and Accommodation: £550

We will be hiring vans and transport to ensure the safe delivery of equipment to and from location. We will be securing accommodation for our cast and crew as close to location as possible to ensure our production is carried out efficiently.

Catering: £350

The shoot will be carried out over six lively days. This section of our budget will be set aside to provide our cast and crew with lots of fuel and energy.

Consumables: £125

Colour gels for the DoP, brushes for the Designer, pens, tape and paper; these consumables alike will be covered by this section of the budget.

Contingency: £375

10% of our budget will be set aside for any complications that may arise, as well as ensuring our locations, cast and crew are all fully equipped with the appropriate PPE and safety measures.

We plan for this story to touch a lot of hearts. The remaining 5%, along with any remaining contingency money, will be put towards entering film festivals and distribution.

You can see how much we need your support, every penny counts!


As a thank you for the donations you might give, we have some exciting rewards which can be found on the right hand side of our page. Check them out!

Find us here

For updates, design concepts and behind-the-scenes into our creation you can find us on Instagram and Facebook. Make sure to give us a like and a follow to see how we’re getting on!

Facebook: @thewindowbetweenusfilm

Instagram: @twbufilm

Please Share Our Project!

We are aware not everyone is able to donate, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help us succeed! Please share this project with anyone you think would support us – on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, by telephone, email, in a conversation or on your blog! The more people who hear about this idea, the more likely we are able to make it even better!

And if you are able to donate money to this project, we’d love it even more! Please donate today and help make this happen.

Thank You


The TWBU Team!