YuFund matchfunded £100
caused 1 donation of £50.00
generated 55 clicks and donated £50.00
generated 49 clicks and donated £100.00
6 anonymous donations totalling £115.00
YuFund matchfunded £100 thanks to alumni and friends of York
A project by: Lucy Phillips
from 58 donors
YuFund matchfunded £100
caused 1 donation of £50.00
generated 55 clicks and donated £50.00
generated 49 clicks and donated £100.00
6 anonymous donations totalling £115.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
42 claimedA special thank you: You will receive a personalised ‘thank you’ on all of our social media platforms!
3 claimedThank you for your support! You will get a ‘contributor’ credit and receive a special ‘thank you’ video.
2 claimedAs well as the above you will receive a digital download of the final film.
5 claimedThank you for your generosity! You will receive a signed polaroid from all the crew and a ‘special thank you’ in the film credits.
4 claimedThank you so much! On top of the above, you will be invited to a screening of the finished film at The University of York, which will give you a chance to meet the cast and crew (expenses not included).
2 claimedThis is incredible! As well as all the above, the first 3 sponsors of this pledge will have the opportunity to have a photo of them featured as part of the set dressing.
0 claimedThank you incredibly! This will help us so much in fulfilling our dreams for this project. To share our gratitude, you will receive all of the rewards above AND your name will feature within the dialogue!
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