2nd Conference A window onto Latin-America

A project by: Miguel Gaete Caceres



from 4 donors

This project received donations on Fri 25 Oct 2019
A 21st Century Resignification of the Never-ending Conquest


Did you know that in the nineteenth century a bunch of young Fuegians was kidnapped by English explorers and brought to England for being educated in English manners? One of these young indigenous was rebaptized as "York Minster", because the explorers found him on a hill which seemed to them to bear a resemblance to the impressive landmark of this city.

As South American PhD students living in York, we find this story fascinating, and we also believe it to be a metaphor for our own contradictions. 

Taking this narrative as inspiration, we are organising a conference that looks at the complicated historical relationship between the New and the Old Worlds, in both the recent past and the present. This conference is a form to tribute him and the indigenous who suffered the cultural frictions emerged in the conquest of the continent.

But we need your help!! 

Organising a conference is an overly complicated issue because we need to cover a lot of expenses. We already have partly covered some of them thanks to tiny funding obtained from the Humanities Research Centre, but it is not enough, so we are looking for £500. We need, among other things, to invite an expert on the subject, to offer a proper coffee or tea, plus lunch for 40 people at least, to print advertising, and so on. 

This conference is an open, non-profit event, and everyone is very welcome to attend.

Who are you?

We are a multidisciplinary team of PhD Latin American students.

Tobias Palma: Theatre, Film and Television PhD student.

Miguel Angel Gaete: History of Art PhD student

Carlos Zamora: composer and Music PhD student

Javier Montalvo: Archaeology PhD student

Patricia Lagos: Education PhD student

Where will the money go?

• What will you spend the funding on if you hit your minimum?

The funding will mainly go to promote the event across the UK and beyond, and to finance essential elements for the attendees and speakers such as a coffee breaks and lunch. 

  • Where will the money go if you hit your full target?

We will be able to partly cover the accommodation of the keynote speakers coming from other cities. Additionally, we will print schedules, presentation folders and provide merchandising implements such as pens and notebooks.

  • What will you do with extra funds if things really take off and you raise more than your target?

We will create a proper website for the event in order to increase the scope and impact of the event. 

  • How often will you give updates on progress when you're running your project or campaign?

Every two weeks


  • Printing cost: £100
  • Coffee for 40 people. (£150)
  • Lunch for 40 people (£150)
  • Accommodation 1 night keynote speaker: (£50)
  • commuting allowance keynote speaker: (£50)


  • We will acknowledge our sponsors including them in a list of names in our main programme and also they will be thanked in the presentation of the conference.
  • They will also have free access to the event and first-line reserved seats.

Images and video

Liven up your pitch with photos and videos to give a better feel for what you're attempting.

Find us here



On twitter we are: @ventanas21 

Help us succeed!

  • You don't need to give money to help us succeed! Please share this project with anyone you think would support us – on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog.
  • In fact, share it with everyone you know as we think it's a great idea, and the more people who know about it, the more likely we are to make this work out brilliantly.
  • And we know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please sponsor us and help make this happen.