• Double your Donation

  • YuFund matchfunded £500 thanks to alumni and friends of York

YUPE Competes

A project by: Pole Exercise


WE RAISED £1,860

from 21 donors

This project received donations on Tue 15 Jan 2019
Help us get to competitions this year and promote York through Pole Exercise!


We're raising money to help our competition team be able to afford to get to competitions throughout the year. One of our main competitions this year is in Edinburgh and we need to pay for travel and accommodation while we're up there. Of course, we're also hosting Roses this year and would love to make it as spectacular as possible!

Who are we?

We are YUPE - the University of York's Pole Exercise Society! Our competition team is made up of our student members who wish to perform and compete for us throughout the year, and showcase our talents.

our story

Pole Exercise is a very unique sport - a combination of dance and strength training. A lot of the time Pole Exercise is undermined in the world of sport, and as we are a society not a sports team associated with the University we do not get the additional sporting help that other teams may have access to.

In the past we have had to ask our members to pay for travel and accommodation costs in order to take part in Pole Competitions around the North of the UK but we believe this is unfair. Some members who wish to compete may not have the funds to take part.

Therefore we'd love to raise enough money to take our competition team of 10 people up to Edinburgh to compete in this year's Inter-University Pole Dance Competition (IUPDC) Northern Regional Heats. We've been competing in IUPDC for the last few years and think it would be a great shame to have to stop competing due to a lack of funds, and we don't want anyone in our society to feel excluded; we need your help to make this happen.

Competing is our way of showcasing our talents to other universities and being a voice for the University and we'd love to continue doing this. We want to be able to get our team (and hopefully supporters) to competitions to take part. Your support will help us be able to showcase our talents to other universities and by reaching competitions we have a chance to win!

If you want to have a look at our old competition videos, go and visit our youtube page to watch! https://www.youtube.com/user/UoYPoleExercise

Where will the money go?

If we hit our minimum target your money will be used for travel and accommodation costs for our IUPDC competition team of 10 people to get to Edinburgh to compete in the Northern Regional Heats. If we hit the full target we would be able to afford to take supporters up to Edinburgh to give extra support for our competitors and show University spirit.

If we beat our target, we would be able to take even more people with us, or alternatively it would be put towards team building activities (of which we have a few ideas such as a sleepover at a local pole and aerial studio) and it would provide extra help for making this year's Roses the best we can possibly make it by being able to afford travel for judges from further afield and getting some prizes or gifts for the winners of each category or thank yous for those helping us.

We can offer updates throughout the campaign on how our team are coming along with their practice and routines, to motivate you to help fund our competition expenses so that we can progress through competitions.

Return trains to Edinburgh (10 people @ ~£80/ticket): £800

Accommodation for two nights for ten people @ ~£200/night: £400

Total minimum costs: £1200

Extra costs: travel and accommodation for supporters for IUPDC / judges for Roses / gifts/prizes for Roses winners 


To thank everyone who donates, we have some cool rewards depending on the amount you choose to donate to our cause! Check them out and see if that doesn't help encourage you to donate that little bit more! All rewards will be fulfilled by the end of this academic year (July 2019) but will most likely be completed before this date.

To thank everyone who donates we will be posting a little thank you video once we've reached Edinburgh for our competition!

Find us here

Follow us on the following social media hubs to keep up to date with how we're doing!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/UoYPoleExercise

Instagram: www.instagram.com/yorkpoleexercise  /  @yorkpoleexercise

Snapchat: @uoypoleexercise

Website: www.yorkpole.com

Help us succeed!

If you can't spare any money that's ok - we understand! But please help us succeed in our goal by sharing this project with anyone you think would like to support us - Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Email, Phone, Snapchat, Instagram, Blogs, even a chat over your garden fence. Share it with everyone you know because the more people that know about it the more likely we are to reach our target! Please help us out as much as you can, we really appreciate it!

We know we said you didn't need to give money to support us, but even if it's just a pound or two it could make all the difference in getting our competition team to our competitions! Thank you so much!