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Hello everyone!

I'm sure you've all received an email but in case you haven't - WE'VE REACHED OUR TARGET!
Thank you so much for giving us a chance - your support means so much to my team and I. In the next few weeks, we will be working to build the site, set up the organisation and get everything ready for our Launch Event that will take place sooner than you know it. Thank you once again for making this happen. Words cannot express how truly grateful I am for this opportunity to turn an idea into something tangible. [:
Stay tuned!
Had a successful brownie bake sale at the ISA's Coffee Afternoon yesterday! We got the word out, made new friends and raised some money for SPiKL. 6 days left to the end of our campaign and we're so excited!
What a lovely Sunday afternoon for our latest promo video release! Ever wondered about the team behind #SPIKL? Watch the video to find out more [:
If you haven't already, check us out on Facebook for the quickest updates and happenings.
Thank you for your support!
So if you haven't already heard, SPiKL is now on Twitter!
Tweet us and let us know what you think about this project [:
Hitting the draw board for our new promo video and getting it filmed all in a day! Stay tuned to see the finished video #SPIKL
In December, SPiKL was featured in the University of York Alumni Association's magazine, Grapevine Online. This guest post introduced the SPiKL team, the motivation behind SPiKL and the next steps for SPiKL. If you haven't already read it, be sure to check it out! And tell your friends, family, relatives, colleagues etc. about it to show them the project you are supporting!