50 Years of Computer Science

A project by: Computer Science


WE RAISED £4,005

from 40 donors

This project received donations on Sun 03 Jul 2022
Opening doors for the next generation of Computer Scientists through your generosity

YuStart realising the future of computing

Our graduates have been changing the world for 50 Years. We invite alumni and friends to celebrate our half century of Computer Science, development and impact by building opportunities for students who will shape the future for the next 50 Years.

The domain of Computer Science at York

In the early 1970s, few could have imagined how computers would become pivotal to our daily existence today. At York, the development of a new Chair in Computational Studies in 1972 opened the door to what we now call the Department of Computer Science. It has been a rapid journey through technologies and at York we have kept abreast of emerging trends to ensure that we are delivering the most important current and future teaching and research in this dynamic sector. The University of York was the first Yorkshire university to win the Athena Swan bronze award in recognition of its success in providing positive support for women scientists during their careers. The department secured this prestigious accolade in 2020. The Athena Swan programme helps to identify best practice for the working environment of all staff, not just for women, working in higher education. We are continually focused on our achievements in equality, diversity and inclusion and aim to continue attracting students to the department with these principles in mind.

Engineering the future

We want our 50 Years celebration to be acknowledged as a significant landmark in the Department’s legacy; a point where we enabled an inclusive future for computer science scholars. The York Opportunity Scholarships for undergraduates taking 3- or 4-year courses are designed to assist those who have experienced compelling obstacles to their educational goals. These scholarships were set up so that students from all backgrounds have a chance to access a life-changing education at York. Many students from less advantaged backgrounds face significant financial and emotional barriers to their education, which have only increased during the coronavirus pandemic. By giving to a York Opportunity Scholarship today, you can be the difference for a student who is struggling now more than ever.

Please consider joining your alumni friends and professors, past and present, in helping us to reach our goal. Giving generously today will expand our ability to make a huge difference to future students. Our target of £6,600 would provide 2 scholarships. Thank you.

Human-computer interaction

The value of the scholarship is £1,100 per year for a 3- or 4- year undergraduate degree course. The York Opportunity Scholarships raised through your gifts will be ring-fenced for applicants from the Department of Computer Science, so you can be assured that the department will continue to attract and foster the best and brightest talent. By donating, you will be instrumental in helping to train the next generation of computer scientists who will shape the future and tackle critical global issues.

bits for you

In the spirit of crowdfunding, we’ve devised some bespoke thank yous as a token of our appreciation. On YuStart, they’re termed ‘rewards’, though their value is slight. Our aim is simply to evoke some memories of York, and bring you closer to the students and research that your gifts will support. YuStart will send you regular updates from the Department through the life of the project. We know that for our generous supporters it’s the investment in the future and the continuation of the ethos of Computer Science that is important. Thank you.


We understand that it is not always possible for people to donate, and we would be incredibly grateful for any support. This includes taking the time to share this with anyone and everyone who might be interested, including colleagues, friends and family!

You don't need to give money to help us succeed! Please share this project with anyone you think would support us – on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog.

In fact, share it with everyone you know as we think it's a great idea, and the more people who know about it, the more likely we are to make this work out brilliantly.

And we know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please sponsor us and help make this happen.

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