Christmas Stocking Appeal 2020

A project by: Chris Hoyle


WE RAISED £5,347

from 205 donors

Only project creators and their donors can post comments.

Wonderful idea . We would never have thought about students struggling without family support I hope this appealis well publicised.

Great initiative! Well done Chris

What a brilliant cause, hope you can make it to £5k. Keep up the amazing work!

Great Initiative, good luck!

Great initiative Chris, well done for organising 👏👏

Chris I think this is a wonderful thing for the university and especially yourself to be doing. I have a relative who was raised in the care system or rather back then it wasn't so much 'care'. She went from foster home to foster home with not being treated very kindly and then spent some time in a children's' home where there was no understanding of love and was often beaten. She is in her 70's now and is the most gentle, caring person you could meet despite her humble beginnings. I wish you every success. Jane

Happy to make a contribution to such a fantastic cause!

Fantastic work Chris. Happy Christmas to one and all!

Fantastic project x

Well done on this initiative Chris :)

Great idea.

Merry Christmas, such a great idea.

Well done for all the great work you've doing and pioneering the way for care leavers Chris! All the best.

Thank you for doing this

What an amazing initiative!

Inspiring. Good luck with raising the funds needed to hit your target.

Good luck. Such a great initiative

Thinking of care experienced students during this challenging year - thanks for all you do Chris!

Thank you for your amazing work Jingle Hoyle!

All the best Chris.