YuFund matchfunded £100
caused 1 donation of £5.00
caused 1 donation of £2.00
generated 430 clicks and donated £2.00
3 anonymous donations totalling £28.00
YuFund matchfunded £100 thanks to alumni and friends of York
A project by: Georgia Bagnall
from 44 donors
YuFund matchfunded £100
caused 1 donation of £5.00
caused 1 donation of £2.00
generated 430 clicks and donated £2.00
3 anonymous donations totalling £28.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
32 claimedGet a shoutout on social media. We would like everyone to know you contributed to the cause.
0 claimedGet a personalised thank you, from an incredibly grateful crew, featuring original artwork.
4 claimedBe the first to see the film. Get access to a digital screener of the film prior to its release.
5 claimedKeep a copy for yourself. Receive a digital download of the film as well as digital copy of the poster.
1 claimedIn addition to digital copies of the film & poster, get access to behind the scenes photos and footage.
1 claimedSee your name on screen. In addition to all the prior rewards, receive a credit on the film for your generosity.
1 claimedOwn the film in physical form. Get a DVD copy of the film featuring uncut interviews and footage from behind the scenes.
1 claimedThat’s a wrap! In addition to all of the above get the one and only clapperboard used on set.
0 claimedTell us why you are reporting this project: