In Memory of Dr Makoto Shimoji / 下地 誠 を偲んで

A project by: The University of York


WE RAISED £4,565

from 79 donors

1 year, 7 months ago

Please accept our sincere heartfelt appreciation for your kind gifts and words. We are amazed and deeply grateful that so many people have thought of Makoto and donated to this page in his memory. It may change student’s life by supporting them to have opportunity to think about their future and fulfil their dreams. I am sure Makoto would have liked that very much. You wouldn’t know how much it means to us.

In the future, when things settle down, I am hoping to thank you individually. If you don’t mind me doing so, please send a message to so I would be able to get in contact with you. We would also appreciate it if you would share any memories you have with Makoto, however small, if you haven’t done so yet.

Thank you very much.

with warmest wishes,

Miyako, Masaru and Minori Shimoji