Electronic Engineering and Physics Foundation Year 21/22 GYW

A project by: Francis Stevens



from 32 donors

2 years, 8 months ago

We did it!

On Saturday we successfully completed the walk, with every team member walking the entrie route. See pictures below:

Here we are just before the start of the walk. Our final team consisted of (l-r) Jamie Campbell, Frankie Stephenson, Helen Sharples, Frank Stevens, and Ahmed Ali.Smiles all round at the first checkpoint.

Ready for some lunch at the second checkpoint.

Enjoying a spot of shade at the third checkpoint.

Festooned with medals at the end of the walk.

Many thanks again to all who have donated.

2 years, 9 months ago

Yesterday we had a meeting of foundation year staff and students for a little walk starting on campus and takign in Fulford golf club and Halifax college. Despite the rain we had an excellent turn out as you can see in the picture above.

2 years, 9 months ago

This is a little update from Frank on why he is taking part in this event:

"For much of my life I have found that walking long distances (often with four-legged friends) has been beneficial to my mental. I see this event as an opportunity to use the act of walking, which has been so helpful to me, as a means of raising money that will help to improve the mental health of others."

A missing word! This should read: "For much of my life I have found that walking long distances (often with four-legged friends) has been beneficial to my mental health. I see this event as an opportunity to use the act of walking, which has been so helpful to me, as a means of raising money that will help to improve the mental health of others."