• Thanks to the kindness of everyone involved we reached our target - thank you! If you'd still like to support us further, you can do so by clicking here

One Education

A project by: YuStart


WE RAISED £10,779

from 304 donors

This project received donations on Sat 01 Jul 2017
7 years, 7 months ago

We wanted to share just one of our ways of saying thank you for your kindness. Below is our One Education donor banner which has pride of place in the Exhibition Centre on campus, where our fellow graduates are congregating before, and after, their special moment.

If you were an anonymous donor, we've kept your name to ourselves and thanked all 117 of you as a group.

And of course, a special thank you to those donors who gave £75 who we've highlighted in red!

Thank you all so much.

7 years, 8 months ago

Wow! We've reached 100% of our target. On behalf of the Class of 2017 thank you so much for your kindness and generosity. It is thanks to you that we can now provide a full scholarship to another incredibly deserving asylum seeking student in September. We are so excited to welcome them to our wonderful York community.

We have been humbled by the response to our campaign from alumni, students, staff, friends and family and hope that it inspires the Class of 2018 to follow in our footsteps next year. We look forward to seeing what they do.

Please keep sharing our project as all additional donations to One Education will of course go towards Equal Access Scholarships here at York.

7 years, 8 months ago

You have helped us reach 83% of our target, thank you SO much for your kindness. We have just over two weeks left in the One Education campaign and we're excited to reach our goal.

Two of our Class of 2017 Ambassadors got together to make a special video for all of our amazing supporters, we hope you enjoy it. Please keep sharing the project and thank you again for all of your support.


7 years, 9 months ago

You'll know, as a supporter of the campaign, that as a team of final year students it is our aim to leave a legacy of our time here. What better way than to open doors to other people who would not otherwise have the opportunity that we've had.

Last week we shared our appeal widely with staff at the Uni, and their response has been amazing.  One Education received 75 donations in 2 days!! To all staff who have given to our appeal in the last week - you are incredible! Thank you so much.

We've been humbled by your generosity and support which has taken us so close to achieving our goal. Just look at where we are, 3/4 of the way there.

Thank you for your help in continuing to share - together we know we will reach our goal!

7 years, 9 months ago

What a difference a week makes! You and our growing band of supporters have more than trebled our support – through gifts, through dedication and through sharing this great cause!

In 7 days, thanks to your generosity, we’ve leapt from 10% to 33% of our overall target. That’s an amazing £3,519! Thank you so much.

The committee that considers applications for the Equal Access Scholarships meets on 15 June, and it would be great to be able to give them the good news that you have funded an additional year’s support for someone who otherwise would not have this opportunity.

Thanks for continuing to share and ask others to help to make a bigger difference to a student at York this October.

7 years, 9 months ago


We're completely blown away by the support this campaign has seen in such a short amount of time! Whether you've given £1 or £100 each gift is putting us that little bit closer to our target and we couldn't be more grateful. Thank you!

We've now hit the £1,000 mark, 10% of our overall target, so please share this page with your friends, families, coworkers and anyone who may wish to give and please, keep donating. The University of York has long been a place of safety for those in need, with your help we can continue this proud legacy by welcoming at least one more asylum-seeking student to the University of York this October.

Thank you!