The Pioneers Purse for the University of Opportunity

A project by: The University of York

pledged of £5,000 target
Launch the University of Opportunity with the Pioneers Purse.

Join your fellow peers in closing all gaps for students at York, in support of the University of Opportunity.

We would like to celebrate 60 years of the University of York, and enlist your help to commemorate the occasion by helping to launch a brand new ambition - to establish York as the University of Opportunity.

As members of the classes of ‘66, ‘67, and ‘68, we all know the impact that opportunity can have. Each of us accessed a world-class education at the University of York at a time when only 7% of the population went to universities. We all have a unique and personal connection to York, which in many cases - mine included - was made possible thanks to a grant from the government.

But imagine how different our lives might have been if we hadn't had that opportunity.

It was the “swinging sixties”; the anticipation and excitement of being at one of several new universities was in the air; and the Vietnam War was there to be stopped, when jobs grew on trees and house prices were, relative to now, very cheap.

However, since then, we have not done very well at leaving the world in a better shape for today's generation, who are experiencing more and deeper crises than we faced. As Pioneers from the very first graduating classes, our ambition is to create opportunities for every deserving student at York, and that ambition is why we have created this giving page.

Today’s students are facing complex challenges - but we can make a long-term impact on student support at York.

Many of us have generously contributed to York’s charitable funds over the years, and supported countless students. With the launch of the University of Opportunity ambition, we can amplify this important work and make an even greater impact for more students. By making a gift of £100, £500, or £1,000, or by setting up a monthly direct debit donation, the Pioneers Purse will challenge York to spread the net even wider - and affect long-term change for future University of York students.

A gift of £100, £500, or £1,000 today will help to take York to a ‘no gaps’ future, where all students have an equal opportunity to succeed.

Being a University of Opportunity will mean supporting students in a learning environment that is accessible and affordable for all. It will be driven by evidence, and it will be flexible depending on the needs of our students. It will provide mentorship, offer targeted funding and relevant and accessible careers support, and so enhance the wider student experience.

I’d like to ask you for your support by donating to this ambition and sharing this message, if we hope to succeed in challenging York to be a place where every student knows they belong.

Thank you,

David Taylor-Gee (Politics, Class of 1968)