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Songs For A New World

A project by: Ben Young



from 13 donors

This project received donations on Tue 22 Dec 2015
Goodbye essay, Hello musical directing!

Songs For A New World by Jason Robert Brown is a small musical written in the mid to late '90s. With what possibly has some of the most beautiful music written for theatre in that decade, Songs is interesting, different but certainly a beautiful piece of work.

This production of Songs For A New World is being performed as examination for the dissertation of Ben Young, a 3rd Year Music Student at The University of York

Who are WE?

The Songs team is made up of a team of five students, both undergraduate and postgraduate. The team consists of Ben Young (Director), Katie Wood (Producer), Anthony Rickman (Financial Producer), Alexia Michaelides (Fundraising Manager) and Jess Douglas (Band Leader). The production team is excited to take on this project completely independently from any university society. Their collective experience as a team will make this an exciting and accomplished production. The cast is small, with just 6 members (Rachel Hutchinson, Lydia Johnson, Grace Winpenny, Anthony Rickman, Ben Levy, Joseph Hayes), but each member is a talented individual and together they are going to produce something really special. 

our story

Ben has been a keen musical theatre performer throughout his university career. He has had previous experiences in directing small performances. Nouse has previously reviewed one of these performances as 'understated and moving' and further went on to say 'you don't always need a flashy set to captivate your audience'. Using this minimalistic but non-conventional style of directing, Ben is now taking on the challenge of directing a entire musical for his dissertation.

Songs For A New World was chosen for this project because it is very unusual in its composition. With no story line, a small cast of 6 people, and each song telling a different story, the musical allows for complete creative flexibility and a world of possibilities for the cast and director to explore.

If you donate to this exciting project, you will be helping Ben realise his ambition and will have a huge hand in helping develop what will be an exciting project. As the project is independently run, we are reliant on our own fundraising efforts, alongside donations, and so any amount you can give will be greatly appreciated. 

Where will the money go?

If the amount we receive from your donations reaches our minimum target we will put these funds towards the rehearsal materials. As this is crucially Ben's final year project, having these materials will lay the foundations for a smooth and efficient rehearsal process. Any extra money we make from your donations will enable us to make the show as fantastic as possible by being able to create a spectacular set and gorgeous costumes. Progress on this project will be updated on here or our Facebook page. 

Breakdown of costs

£110 - Band music

£215 - Scores, librettos

£100 - Costumes and set


We have some pretty cool rewards as a way of thanks for your donations, take a look! After all, singing is our business! 

Find us here

You can find all the wonderful details and updates on the project on our Facebook page Songs For A New World - UoY Jan 2016. We'll also send details to you directly after you make a donation. 

Help us succeed!

We'd love you to be a part of our team by donating towards this exciting project. You can also help in other ways like sharing our Facebook page and letting people know about us will help to raise awareness. Even just mentioning us in a chat to your neighbour could make all the difference! We'd be very grateful for whatever you can do for us, even if it's just a mention at work or a donation of £1!!