YuFund matchfunded £100
caused 1 donation of £20.00
caused 1 donation of £5.00
generated 440 clicks and donated
7 anonymous donations totalling £253.00
YuFund matchfunded £100 thanks to alumni and friends of York
A project by:
from 52 donors
YuFund matchfunded £100
caused 1 donation of £20.00
caused 1 donation of £5.00
generated 440 clicks and donated
7 anonymous donations totalling £253.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
41 claimedThank you! You’ll get a shout out from us on our social media pages for your help in making this project possible.
1 claimedThank you for your thoughtful donation! Get even closer to the story and be a part of our exclusive mailing list to keep up to date on all of our developments through preproduction, production, and post production! You will also receive all of the above rewards.
2 claimedThank you for your donation! Watch the film you have supported!: for your contribution we will be sending you a copy of the finished film on a digital download. You will also receive all of the above rewards.
2 claimed£25 - Thank you for donating! In recognition of your donation you will be given a special contributor credit at the end of the finished film. You will also receive all of the above rewards.
4 claimedThank you for your thoughtful donation! This is your chance to own the full story. For your amazing donation we will be giving you a DVD copy of ‘The Eviction’ with exclusive behind the scenes footage of how we brought the story to life. You will also receive all of the above rewards.
3 claimedThank you! For your generosity we will give you a limited edition poster for ‘The Eviction’ signed by the crew! You will also receive all of the above rewards.
2 claimedA HUGE thank you! For your generous donation we would like to invite you and a friend to a private screening of the finished film at the University of York (travel and accommodation expenses not included). You will also receive all of the above rewards.
0 claimedWow! Thank you so much for your donation! As a BIG thank you we will be giving you our exclusive Creative Package courtesy of our design team. This includes original signed concept art by Production Designer Yola Kingsbury, final storyboards by Director of Photography Taylor Haldane, original music by Sound Designer Joe Shaw, and signed script by Jack Scully. You will also receive all of the above rewards.
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