UYHC Roses Training Camp

A project by: UYHC



from 5 donors

This project received donations on Wed 22 Apr 2015
Giving our 10 hockey teams a huge advantage over our Lancaster rivals!

OUR project:

UYHC are raising £1,500 to provide our members with a fantastic pre-roses training camp, offering pitch time for our indoor and outdoor teams, high-quality coaching and gym sessions. Working on a tight budget, UYHC will currently struggle to provide the camp - an essential if we want our teams to be playing to their full potential come Roses, especially following the 4-week Easter break.

Who We are:

UYHC are one of York University's largest sports clubs on campus with over 80 members. We have 6 outdoor teams (3 mens/3 womens) and 4 indoor teams (2 mens/2 womens), all of which will compete at Roses and will benefit hugely from the camp we aim to provide.

Our Story:

Roses is Europe's largest inter-university sports tournament and this year sees the 51st edition which is set to be one of the biggest yet with York Sport also raising money to ensure the opening ceremony and indeed the rest of the tournament is a complete success. History is on the side of York, who have 25 wins compared to Lancaster's 24, with only the one draw. The Carter James trophy currently lies with Lancaster and this April, York will do everything in its power to reclaim it. UYHC will play a large role in this task. With many points at stake, our club can make the difference, but to give us the best chance of success, we need to be fully fit and at the top of our game. That is why we need a pre-Roses training camp. 

We have been stretched financially this year and whilst York Sport are providing us with limited support which gives us a start to the project, we cannot provide our teams with a camp without your help!

Donations would be massively appreciated, however big or small, and whether you are planning to watch Roses from the sidelines of the JLD or will be eagerly awaiting updates from our social media channels, your donations will hopefully give us the boost we need to triumph over our Lancaster counterparts.

so, Where will the money go?

The main expense of the camp we propose will be pitch hire and continuing the employment of our brilliant coaches over the next few weeks, but if we receive enough money we would also like to provide our members with extra sessions in the gym to maintain fitness levels.

We aim to provide a minimum of 6 hours training for each outdoor team as well as 3 hours training for each indoor team.

Minimum costs* are as follows:

- Pitch Hire (Outdoor: £37 per hour/Indoor: £22 per hour)

(37 x 18hrs = £666) + (22 x 6hrs = £132) = £798

- Coaches (£20 per hour)

20 x 24hrs = £480

- Use of gym for spin classes, yoga etc. = c. £200

*There is, of course, no limit to how intense we make this camp and so the more money we raise, the better the training camp! We believe £1,500 would provide us with a great camp, but we would like to push for an even better one if possible!


Check out our rewards section on the right-hand side of the page - there might be an added incentive for donating!

Find us here

We will be posting updates on the project here:





We are very grateful for all donations so thank you on behalf of everyone at UYHC. If you are feeling extra generous we would really appreciate it if you could share this project via social media or indeed, any other way you can!