Alison takes on York's Marathon Month 2024!

A project by: Alison O'Sullivan

pledged of £150 target
1 week, 1 day ago

Day 5 and 6

The weekend. So I was going to do a morning walk on Saturday but that didn't happen as was far too tired to wake up. But I did make up for it on Sunday. 

Beningbrough Hall walk didn't happen either because I didn't want to walk along the road, the river has made that route boggy. So instead we walked from Southbank to Riccall which was 9 miles in total. So I'll take that, thank you very much. That's chipped a bit off my marathon total. 

Follow along for more updates and don't forget that if you're able to chuck a few pennies this way, then it would be much appreciated! 

Photos below as always! 

If anyone has any suggestions of walks, slack or WhatsApp me!

1 week, 4 days ago

Day 4

There will be no additional walking today but never fear for I am making up for it on the weekend....

Saturday I am volunteering for York Unlocked and will be posted at Bishopthorpe Palace, so I am walking there and back rather than driving (4 miles). Then on Sunday I am walking to Beningbrough Hall, I want to walk from my house which would be 7 miles but my girlfriend and cheerleader, Claire, is hinting strongly that we start from her house making it almost 10 miles - that is just one way people!! Soooo, keep donating and watch this space for further updates - photos will follow for the weekend update. I may not be walking come Monday morning!

Thaaaat's riiiight! No complacency just cause you got your medal 🦯

1 week, 4 days ago

Day 3

I forgot to actually post an update yesterday, thankfully you can't take back the money already donated! Anyway, I did another treadmill session. More sweaty face incoming, you only have to look at it, I live with it. Until the next update.... 

1 week, 6 days ago

Day 2

Another 2km on the treadmill. This morning I watched a bit of Who Do You Think You Are, which featured Mel C. A bit of information you didn't require but there you have it! 

I increased the speed as was a bit short on time, did you know we have this thing called work that we do each day?! 

Another sweaty face photo for you all to enjoy! 😂 

2 weeks ago

yes that's me with a blurry sweaty face! 

2 weeks ago

It's the first day of the month and I've done 1.24 miles (2km) already (pat on the back please if you see me walking down the corridor on campus - but if you know me, you know you probably won't see me! Because I am an enigma.)

Donate please. It's for a good cause. And my medal.