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Bread and Honey

A project by: Maisie Hardy


WE RAISED £2,405

from 53 donors

This project received donations on Tue 23 Mar 2021
We need your support to do this powerful story justice.

Bread and Honey is the universal story of a father and son, George and Eddie, as they learn to communicate again in the wake of the wife and mother's untimely death.

Touching on matters familiar to us all, this short film will be interwoven with themes of grief, family, and hope. It will serve as a vital reminder that no matter how much we might feel like it, we are never truly alone.

To do this powerful story justice, we need your support.

The story

Once teeming with life, George's late wife's bee colony is struggling. Determined to hold onto this last connection to his wife, George dedicates everything he has to keep it going.

However, in his blind commitment, George drives a wedge between him and his son, as Eddie struggles to keep the bills at bay and food on the table. The two must ultimately learn to find a way forward together; a way to let go of the past and turn the page on the next chapter in their lives.

Meet our team

We are an incredibly passionate team, currently studying a Film and Television Production BSc degree at the University of York. We are committed to bringing Bread and Honey to life. We are confident that our dedication to these characters, this world, and its universal message will produce a unique short film worthy of your support.  

You can learn more about each team member and their passion for Bread and Honey from our social media.

why We need your help

Your support is vital to bringing Bread and Honey to life.

As student filmmakers, we need to raise £2300 to produce this short film. We are producing this short film under COVID-19 restrictions, which not only means we will be filming entirely outside, but we’ll also be thinking outside the box to design the perfect portrayal of George and Eddie’s world.

We need your help to make it happen.

From constructing beehives and dressing locations with bee memorabilia, there are lots of elements that would benefit from your support.

Where will your sponsorship go?

We are grateful for any form of financial support you can offer our project. This is how your sponsorship will be spent:

Key creative development:

Production Design  ~  £520

This aspect of the budget will enable us to create the world of George and Eddie. From the beehives to the bee memorabilia that fills their home and garden, there are lots of things we need to ensure the location looks just right.

What’s more, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will be filming primarily on the University of York’s campus grounds. It is therefore crucial that we can design a space that serves the characters and their story well.

Immersive visuals & Soundscapes  ~  £180

If COVID-19 restrictions allow, we are keen to film at our local apiary, where we can capture live bees and their beekeeper in action. This money will enable us to achieve these beautiful visuals and soundscapes on location, covering any additional equipment or expenses for the visit. In the event that we cannot, this money will enable us to explore alternative options.

Key Logistical Support:

Equipment Transportation  ~  £300

Whilst we are filming on campus (due to COVID-19 restrictions), our intended location is still a significant distance from the equipment pick up point. It is essential that we have the funds to cover safe and secure transportation of the equipment throughout the shoot.

Catering for Crew and Talent  ~  £330

We will be filming entirely outside in April. It is crucial that we can provide warm, nutritious food to our crew and talent throughout the filming process.

Crew and Talent Transportation  ~  £430

This will help our crew and talented actors be where they need to be and make travel after late night filming much safer.

distribution  ~  £280

We hope to enter Bread and Honey into film festivals; we believe this story has the potential to achieve awards. This money will enable us to enter these festivals and also share Bread and Honey with a larger audience to raise its profile.

Contingency  ~  £235

We will do our utmost to acquire equipment, set pieces, and locations at a fair price and within budget, but putting aside this contingency money will ensure we can be flexible if needs be. It will also ensure we can adapt to changing COVID-19 restrictions if we need to.

Please note, these figures have been rounded for the purpose of this breakdown.


We really appreciate any financial support you can offer to our project. Without your support, Bread and Honey simply cannot happen.

For those that are able to donate, we would love to say thank you. There are rewards listed on the side of this page for each level of donation, including the opportunity to have your name hidden somewhere in the story world!

sharing means the world to us

If you cannot donate to out project, we would be so grateful if you could still share our project with your family and friends. Whether it's a text, an email, a Facebook share, or even a mention over the garden fence, the more people we can share Bread and Honey with the better! Any small share makes a huge difference.

You can simply share this crowdfunding page. Go ahead and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, too. We look forward to sharing our Bread and Honey journey with you!

Our team cannot wait to bring this story to live. With every penny we raise, we get one step closer to making this powerful story a reality.

With your help, Bread and Honey can make the valuable impact we know it can have.

For updates on our project, follow us:

Facebook: @breadandhoneyfilm

Instagram: @breadandhoney_film

LinkedIn: @breadandhoneyfilm

You can also email us: breadandhoneyfilm@gmail.com