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City Under the Floorboards

A project by: Simon Pickles


WE RAISED £1,854

from 56 donors

This project received donations on Sat 16 Jan 2016
A young boy finds a magical city under the floorboards and uses it to overcome his monstrous mother


Peter is a young boy about to become seven years old. All he wants for his birthday is to play outside with his father, who has become a recluse living in the attic. His mother won’t let this happen, and fights to keep control of her son, and her husband, to keep things just the way she likes them to be. When Peter decides to reach out to his father, things in his life start to unravel, and not even the magical model city in the attic can stop them.

We are the City Under the Floorboards team, we are looking to raise money to make an amazing, high quality short film that will push ourselves creatively while allowing us to express our passion for filmmaking and create something engaging and enjoyable for everyone who watches it!

Who WE ARE...

In October this year, eight Film and TV students from the University of York got together with the shared aim of producing a stunning short film to showcase the skills we have developed over our course. The result is City Under the Floorboards!

We are an incredibly passionate and committed group whose previous work has been screened at film festivals across the UK and further afield as well as being recognised by the Royal Television Society. 

Watch the video below to have a look at our past work...


We absolutely love films! We love watching films, we love making films. We love the way film creates an immersive creative platform that anyone can enjoy and be involved in.

City Under the Floorboards gives us the opportunity to tackle a social issue in a creative, fantastical way.  We want to stimulate people and get them thinking about the issue of domestic abuse as well as creating an enjoyable and entertaining film.

We are so excited to create something that not only looks and sounds incredible, but also explore a serious issue in an interesting and challenging way.

We want to share every part of this project with you. It means so much to us and we hope our energy and passion will be shared by you. Films are exciting to make, and we want to share that excitement with you! 

Where will the money go? 

The best films are truly immersive; we want to create a world that is easy to get lost in. Unfortunately we need money to make this a reality. Luckily we have managed to reduce costs with the wonderful support of the University of York who have provided us with some fantastic equipment. However, we still need your help to bring our ideas to life.

If we could achieve our minimum funding target it would allow us to secure some amazing locations and incredible actors who will transform the film into something breathtaking.

Every penny you can give over our minimum target will be seen on screen, allowing us to create the film world, and aid the construction of the intricate model city hidden away under the attic's floorboards.

Here is a quick look at how our budget breaks down:


This money will go towards building the incredible model city that plays a key role in the film.


Moving our equipment between locations and ensuring actors have somewhere to stay so that they can give the best performance each day.


Obviously we want as many people to see this film as possible and this money will enable us to put our film out there.


Filmmaking can be hard work and it’s important to keep our cast and crew fuelled up during the shoot.


This includes administrative costs, hair and make-up and other smaller costs.

20% CONTINGENCY - £300

Whatever could go wrong probably will go wrong, so it’s important to have a little money in reserve to make sure that whatever happens we can still make an amazing film.

We have arranged some awesome rewards for anyone who would like to support our project! Justlook to the right of the screen to find out more.

Find us here 

To keep up to date on the project please like and share our pages

Facebook - City Under the Floorboards

Twitter - cityunderfloor

Instagram - cityunderthefloorboards

Also keep an eye on our website www.cityunderthefloorboards.co.uk for updates on the project and much more!

Help us succeed!

This project means so much to all the team! While every penny you give will massively help us achieve our goals you don't need to give money to help us succeed! Please share this project with anyone you think would support us and make sure you follow us on social media.

In fact, share it with everyone you know as we think it's a great idea, and the more people who know about it, the more likely we are to make this work out brilliantly.

And we know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please support us and help make this happen.