YuFund matchfunded £1000
donated and caused 1 donation of £5.00
donated £2000.00
donated £50.00
11 anonymous donations totalling £784.00
YuFund matchfunded £1000 thanks to alumni and friends of York
A project by: YUSU DramaSoc
from 39 donors
YuFund matchfunded £1000
donated and caused 1 donation of £5.00
donated £2000.00
donated £50.00
11 anonymous donations totalling £784.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
5 claimedEvery little helps, so we will send you a personalised eCard just to say thanks.
0 claimedWe'll give you a social media shoutout! Send us your facebook and/or twitter, and we'll express our gratitude from our official social media accounts.
6 claimedA little more goes a little further so we can offer you a personalised thank you card and a social media shoutout!
13 claimedOne pair of free tickets to any DramaSoc show of your choice (to be redeemed within the next year) and a social media shoutout.
6 claimedAs a thank we would like to give you a pair of free tickets to any DramaSoc show over the next year and some fabulous DramaSocks. You heard us right.
8 claimedAs an even bigger token of our gratitude, we would like to give you a pair of free tickets to any DramaSoc show over the next year and a fancy committee jumper. Nope, not one of ours but one with your own name on and everything.
2 claimedFor this we would like to give you a pair of free tickets to a DramaSoc show of your choice and a pair of DramaSocks. As a reminder of how generous you have been, we would like to also name a piece of equipment after you! Can you see it now? That light over there shining on Macbeth? That's yours!
2 claimedAs a big thank you for your generosity, we can offer you a pair of free tickets to a DramaSoc show of your choice and a personalised committee jumper. We would also like to memorialise our kind donors by engraving your names on a plaque, which will be put on display in the Drama Barn.
0 claimedTo thank you for your kindness we would like to give you a pair of free tickets to 3 DramaSoc shows over the next year, a personalised committee jumper and a fabulous pair of DramaSocks. You'll also get your name on that shiny new plaque!
2 claimedAs a huge thank you to your generous donation to our society, we would love for you to become an honorary member for the day. Whether you want to work with the tech, see how we now run the Barn in 2015, act in a show… It’s all up to you! This also includes 3 pairs of free tickets to any DramaSoc shows of your choice over the next year, a wonderful personalised committee jumper and matching Dramasocks, and you'll get to see your name on our plaque!
0 claimedFancy a night out? DramaSoc would like to treat you and a friend to a wonderful dinner at a restaurant in York, followed by a VIP evening at the Drama Barn watching a show of your choice. You also get 3 pairs of free tickets to DramaSoc shows over the next year. You could also wear your DramaSocks and personalised jumper on your night out! Finally, we will also preserve the memory of your charitable donation by engraving your name on our YuStart Donors plaque to be displayed in the Barn.
2 claimedFor only £1500, we are willing to name our prestigious and beloved Tech Box after you forevermore. Your name shall be written above the lintel of this hallowed place and DramaSoc-ers forever shall invoke your name as they go about lighting up the barn. We would also love for you to become an honorary member for the day! Do your thing on stage, or back stage! We would like to offer you 3 pairs of free tickets to any DramaSoc shows of your choice over the next year, a wonderful personalised committee jumper, your name on our fabulous Donors plaque.
0 claimed£2000 could help us drastically change our tech and as a huge thank you we would like to include you with the decision of helping us choose a production to be put on during our YuStart Day. You can come and help produce/direct/act/tech in this play of your choice. We would also like to treat you and up to 3 other people to a wonderful dinner at a restaurant in York, followed by a VIP evening at the Drama Barn watching a show of your choice. This also includes 3 pairs of free tickets to DramaSoc shows over the next year. We'll also dress you in your own Dramasocks and personalised committee jumper. Finally, we can preserve the memory of your charitable donation by engraving your name on our YuStart Donors plaque to be displayed in the Barn.
0 claimedTell us why you are reporting this project: