Feilden Centenary Scholarship for Conservation

A project by: Louise Calf


WE RAISED £3,683

from 28 donors

This project received donations on Mon 27 Jan 2020
Bringing international students to study heritage conservation at York.

an overview

York's Conservation Alumni are fund-raising to launch a scholarship for international students to study heritage conservation at York.  We specially want to support students from less privileged countries and backgrounds to be welcome and helped to come here . The Feilden Centenary Scholarship will commemorate respected architect, Sir Bernard Feilden whose international conservation work is known globally and fondly remembered for his contribution here at the University of York.   

Who are We?

The team are alumni, students and staff of the Conservation Studies MA in the Department of Archaeology, led by Louise Calf (PhD student) with Michael Atkinson (YCAA Chair) and course directors, Gill Chitty and Louise Cooke. 

the project

We know it's really tough for international students to raise the funding to study here, especially from countries affected by conflict and disaster who struggle to find the means even to travel to the UK. York's Conservation Studies MA has an international reputation and strives to attract students from diverse backgrounds - the more diverse, the richer our understanding of heritage issues around the world. York is an unrivalled historic city in which to study and we want to make this truly accessible to international students.

Every year we see young people applying to study here, with scholarships or family support from their own country but just not enough to cover all the costs. Their travel can be tied up by visa restrictions and high costs even when they have overcome other difficulties like paying for a language certificate. We can provide support and advice, of course, but it would make a real difference to offer financial assistance - even  modest amounts -  to help with travel, accommodation and fees. 

By donating to help us, however small the amount, you will be making it possible for someone to realise their dream of studying here to help protect and conserve their country's cultural heritage: 

                    "it is our identity, our civilisation and for me it is a part of me"

                    (Syrian applicant 2018)

Where will the money go?

The money raised will go to a scholarship -  or several if we're really successful - to support necessary study and other costs for international students. Our conservation alumni association has pledged to match £1 for every £10 raised in the campaign! 

The scholarship will be open to all and based on demonstrated need, both the student's and the need in their home country.  Depending on what we manage to raise, it can be used, for example, towards:

  • Return travel from the home country to York £800
  • Visa and language certificate £500
  • A scholarship for 25% of the MA international fee  £4560

Our target is to raise £9120 which would cover 50% of a student's fees or living costs in the UK for the study period or several smaller bursaries for travel expenses. We plan to continue fund-raising by other means and the aim is to respond flexibly to individual needs. 


We know that you don't expect a reward for supporting our fundraising but we have a few great 'thank you's that we would like to share with you, whatever the amount you donate. 

Find us here

You can keep up to date with progress on our  campaign on our Conservation Alumni Facebook page and in Tweets from the Department, please follow us!

Help us succeed!

You don't need to give us money to help us succeed (but great if you can !) - just share this project with anyone you think might support or send us ideas about others ways we could do more to support international students coming to York.