YuFund matchfunded £100
caused 2 donations totalling £120.00
generated 280 clicks and donated £5.00
donated £500.00
5 anonymous donations totalling £250.00
YuFund matchfunded £100 thanks to alumni and friends of York
A project by: Sarah Robinson
from 48 donors
YuFund matchfunded £100
caused 2 donations totalling £120.00
generated 280 clicks and donated £5.00
donated £500.00
5 anonymous donations totalling £250.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
44 claimedDigital download of all 3 episodes of Freedom Folly
6 claimedDigital download of all 3 episodes of Freedom Folly and stickers
1 claimedYour face featured as part of the set (Optional) as well as a digital download of all 3 episodes of Freedom Folly
1 claimedSigned scripts as well as the prizes above
0 claimedYour name in the credits as well as all prizes above
2 claimedA personalised Freedom Folly contestant costume and all the above prizes
0 claimedTell us why you are reporting this project: