Gary takes on The Great York Walk 2022!

A project by: Gary Brannan


WE RAISED £3,665

from 147 donors

Only project creators and their donors can post comments.

Great job Gary. The day after your walk I set a new personal best for walk distance of 15 miles. But that's nothing compared to your distance and fund raising.

Great project that you WILL complete andvwe are proud of you. Good luck on the day, Gary.

Have another £50 for your shoe leather

Good Luck Gary!

A pound per mile. Better value than trucking it. Good cause, good man, good luck!

Good luck sir!

£1 a mile plus a bit extra fpr blisteze....

Thank you for the laughs over the years Gary, mental health is important to me too so I am more than happy to donate to help others in need.

managed to move the cat off me to grab my card 👍

It's going to hurt - towards the end...pack comfy shoes and chocolate in your drop bag and take painkillers with you - just be prepared. Take time off afterwards - two days more than you think and sleep totally got this...looking forward to seeing your medal!!

Good luck Gary and to everyone undertaking the walk!


Good luck Gary, sounds like a great charity.

How could I not sponsor everyone's favourite, and a man who enjoys railways?

You're my favourite Gary Brannan!

Because Gary is a legend, end of.

Best of luck, Gary