Gary takes on The Great York Walk

A project by: Gary Brannan


WE RAISED £1,740

from 111 donors

This project received donations on Sun 20 Oct 2019

Only project creators and their donors can post comments.

Brilliant effort Gary. Hope your feet are not as sore as mine😀

Wanted the poo anecdote, will have to settle for the Q&A

For all the bad times when the Mystery Biscuits pulled me through. Seriously, you don't know what an impact four blokes talking bollocks has had on my life. Thank you.

Good luck Gary!

Best of luck!

You're planning a mile by mile selfie documentation strategy, right? Your public demands it. (Good luck, and great choice of charity.)

All the best for the walk, Gary!


Good luck! Can you do it dressed as Joan of Leeds?

Go for it Gary-its a great cause!

Remember: Blisters are for champions and only losers finish with all 10 toenails intact.

Enjoy it, should be fun.

Good luck for the walk! I read into the charity and think it's a fantastic cause to support.

Good luck when the time comes but we know you will do it.

Good luck!

Good luck!