Gateway Opportunity Scholarship Appeal

A project by: The University of York


WE RAISED £1,160

from 10 donors

This project received donations on Fri 02 Oct 2020
Helping doctors from diverse backgrounds access outstanding medical training

Now more than ever before our NHS needs confident, compassionate and resilient healthcare professionals. These professionals, conducting pioneering medical research and delivering outstanding care, are what makes our healthcare system among the most admired in the world.

By donating today, you can help students from diverse backgrounds fulfil their ambition of becoming doctors. 

Doctors should be representative of the patients they serve and should come from a range of backgrounds, but we know that some of our most promising doctors are being lost in the education system. Some lack the confidence to apply for Medicine courses because they may not have had access to the same educational opportunities or advice as other students, or their parents have not been to University and as a result may believe that ‘medicine isn’t for them.

For these students, Hull York Medical School has launched a Medicine with a Gateway Year programme. The programme provides an additional Gateway Year which has been designed to facilitate students transition from school or college to University. To ease this transition, we want to provide continued financial support throughout each year of their studies to ease the strain on our Medicine with a Gateway Year students.

This Gateway Opportunity Scholarship provides £1,000 support over six years to support students who are likely to face financial difficulties due to being unable to take on part time work as a result of the intensity of study that Medicine requires over the programme.

Right now, we can support one Gateway Opportunity Scholarship. Your gift of £10, £100 or £1,000 today will help us provide one more scholarship to a promising student like Komalpreet. Read on to find out what your support today will mean to a student like her.

“My parents grew up in Afghanistan during a time when it was engulfed in civil war and unrest, and as a result they were unable to have access to any proper education. This made it difficult for them to procure high skilled jobs within the UK. As the first generation in my family to access higher education, my parents encouraged me to pursue opportunities that were never available to them.

As a member of the Afghan Sikh community, I hope that by doing so I can set a new path for other young women in my community and become a role model for them – as well as being able to make an impact on society. I am really enjoying my time at Hull York Medical School, and the financial support I received through the Gateway Opportunity Scholarships is allowing me to make the most of this opportunity.”

Please support the Gateway Opportunity Scholarship today. Your gift will change lives and save lives, ensuring we can continue to train confident, compassionate and exceptional doctors who can make a difference now and in the future.