2 years ago

Interested in how GenerationResearch started and where we are heading? Visit our 'about us' section on our new webpage! https://generationresearch.ac.uk/about-us/ 

Applications for 2023 Summer Studentships are currently open for students studying at the University of York and other Yorkshire universities. 

We are very grateful to everyone involved and for any donations received. 

Thank you. 

2 years, 9 months ago

Thank you for all your donations so far! Please see below for a breakdown of how your money could help... 

£50 will contribute towards travel for a student during the studentship

£100 will buy laboratory reagents for the research project

£200 will buy time on equipment for the research project

£450 pays a student at Living Wage for one week

£1,000 provides a student bursary for accommodation during the studentship

£2,500 will pay for half a studentship for one student