The Great York Walk 2019 - Walkers' Team Page

A project by: The University of York


WE RAISED £20,887

from 16 donors

This project received donations on Sun 20 Oct 2019
A marathon walk to help transform the state of mental health in York and beyond


The Great York Walk is a marathon walking event in order to raise funds for Mentally Fit York at the University of York. Mental ill-health doesn't discriminate and whether we're experts in mental health or not, we should all be able to feel safe and supported in talking to each other about our mental health. 

The Great York Walk is an event in aid of the Mentally Fit York Fund, which will promote good mental health both at the University and across the city of York. Your support will be used to fund initiatives such as mental health first aid, as well as research projects looking to further our understanding of mental health issues and the barriers to accessing support services.

Your support may also go towards providing Mental Health Nursing Scholarships, helping to ensure that the NHS is equipped to deal with the increased demand for mental healthcare as we start to become more comfortable in including discussions of mental health when we talk about our health and wellbeing in our communities.

If we can raise £6,000, 240 people will be able to receive mental health first aid training or we'll be able to support a Mental Health Nursing Scholar throughout the whole of their studies - please donate anything you can to help us make this happen! :)

Note: Pledges to this project will be taken on or just after 20th October. To find individual Walkers' pages, just head here: