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The Abduction from the Seraglio

A project by: Fay Lenner



from 25 donors

This project received donations on Mon 04 Jun 2018
A Turkish tale of love, fate and forgiveness ... Mozart and Stephanie's singspiel in three acts.

our project

We are looking for your help to raise £650 to secure the rights and music needed to stage a production of Mozart's The Abduction from the Seraglio with the University of York Opera Society. This will be a challenging yet highly rewarding project which will involve a lot of commitment from both cast and crew. With your help, we will bring this exciting and unique opera to York for the first time!

the team

The production team consists of students across all years within the University, all of whom have a passion for working in their respective roles.

  • Producer, Molly Bridgeman, has a wealth of experience in production management, and is supported by an enthusiastic and hard-working team.
  • Daniel Hogan, our musical director, is an extremely talented conductor who has worked with a number of ensembles, and even founded his own youth orchestra at the age of 16.
  • Our assistant musical director, Ben Maloney, is an enthusiast in historically informed performance, and something of an early music fanatic!
  • Artistic director Amy Pezet, and her assistant Jessie Bosworth, are keen to bring you a re-imagining of the opera focusing on bringing to life the true comic value of the action as well as a deeper understanding of character's motives and emotions.
  • Fundraisers Fay Lenner and Phillipa Booth are responsible for arranging new and creative methods of raising money for the production, as well as organising and publicising a range of exciting events.

our story

We have chosen The Abduction from the Seraglio not only because of it's exotic setting and strong characters, but also because of it's importance in Mozart's canon; he is finally writing opera about real people rather than gods. As a result, the score has an especially human quality, and is a favourite work of both of our musical directors who have a special place in their hearts for the composer.

Whether large or small, any donation would will be directly helping our team secure the rights for this wonderful opera. And without your support, this production will not happen!

Where will the money go?

The money you help us raise will be paying for the rights and the music. This will cover the license we need to get in order to stage the production and also all of the orchestral and vocal scores. Without this, our performance simply cannot go ahead! We need to raise at least £650 to cover all of these costs.


As a thank you for helping us get this amazing project going, we will be offering a fantastic range of rewards! These include social media shout outs, Turkish delight and even free tickets (and a complimentary glass of wine) for the any night of the show!

Images and video

Here is a video telling you a bit about the production and where your money will go, made by our Director Amy and Assistant Musical Director Ben.

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Help us succeed!

  • You don't need to give money to help us succeed! If you are a student and cannot donate yourself, please share our production!
  • Even if you only donate £1, it all adds up!
  • But remember, without your donations, this production cannot happen!