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  • YuFund matchfunded £200 thanks to alumni and friends of York

Norman Rea Gallery 2020

A project by: Faith Weddle


WE RAISED £1,005

from 28 donors

This project received donations on Sun 01 Mar 2020
We need your support to continue providing free cultural events for your community

Who are we?

The Norman Rea Gallery are the only student-run gallery in the UK. Throughout the year, we put on free exhibitions for students, artists and your local community. 

A short summary of the project

This is a campaign to raise essential funds for the Norman Rea Gallery. 

As time has gone on, the amount of funding we received has become less and less, and we have had issues with flooding, as well as general wear and tear of our materials and space. We need your help to maintain the space! The Norman Rea Gallery opened in 1976, and Norman’s vision for the gallery was to have a space where students “have the opportunity to look at paintings as well as listen to music and should have a chance to engage with artists, talk about their work with them, discuss their technique.” Each term we have 2 or 3 exhibitions, however, these exhibitions can cost up to £300. Therefore, in order to continue Norman Rea’s legacy and sustain offering the exhibitions for free to students, staff and members of the public, we need to build a stronger foundation for next years committee.

We will use your donation to maintain our space, make repairs, and purchase essential supplies for opening nights. As of late, we have been using the space to host locally impactful events, like the recent Think Equal's Multilingual Experience and we will be hosting York Anti-Trafficking Society’s Jumble Sale. This expansion of the use of our space makes it even more vital that we keep it well maintained.

OUR story

The Norman Rea Gallery is a student-run gallery based in the University of York presenting exhibitions throughout the academic year. We are the only student-run gallery in the UK, giving us a special role on campus and in our - and your - community. 

The space exhibits arts from our very own doorstep on campus and in York to international artists across the globe. We produce shows tackling and challenging important issues in modern society, such as our recent exhibition 'My Home Is Not My Home' highlighting the lives and rights of domestic migrant workers in the UK. These shows are not possible without your help.

We encourage members of our gallery to get involved in helping to organise our exhibitions. The gallery has become a vital part of life at the University of York, we welcome all students from all courses and ages to become members of this gallery and society.

The gallery is a YUSU ratified society, meaning that we have members! Membership is £5 which enables students to have an input behind the scenes to put exhibitions together. This experience ranges from an insight into curating, researching, caption writing, liaising with artists, installing and de-stalling, budgeting, etc. Your donation will contribute towards making these unique opportunities for members accessible, and of no additional cost to the members themselves to participate (Eg. The Norman Rea Gallery reimburses the cost of members shipping artworks).

Where will the money go?

100% of your donations will go into maintaining the gallery. 

Your money will go towards the everyday running of the gallery, primarily contributing to the building of new pediments and repairing flood damage, but also maintenance (including paint, nails and hanging equipment), the costs of shipping artwork, travel costs for speakers, free alcohol at exhibition openings and more. The money raised will also go towards sustaining our website and help us continue our alumni research project, which aims to provide contacts and resources.


Pledge £1 or more: Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.

Pledge £5 or more: A personal thank you letter.

Pledge £10 or more: A personal thank you letter and an extra glass of alcohol or soft drinks at the first exhibition of Summer term 2020.

Pledge £25 or more: A personal thank you letter, an extra glass of alcohol or soft drinks at the first exhibition of Summer term 2020, a Norman Rea Gallery poster. 

Pledge £50 or more: A personal thank you letter, an extra glass of alcohol or soft drinks at the first exhibition of Summer term 2020, a Norman Rea Gallery poster and a Norman Rea Gallery T-shirt.

Pledge £100 or more: A thank you letter, an extra glass of alcohol or soft drinks at the first exhibition of Summer term 2020, a Norman Rea Gallery poster, a Norman Rea Gallery T-shirt and a dedicated mention on our website's 'Donations' page. 

Images and video

Find us here

To keep up to date with our news, upcoming exhibitions and events check us out online:

- Our Website - Facebook - Instagram - Twitter

Help us succeed!

You don't have to donate help us succeed - spread the word as much as possible and please share this project with anyone you think would support us through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, on your blog, in person. 

Remember that every single penny will go directly towards keeping the gallery running. Thank you.