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One More Education

A project by: The University of York


WE RAISED £6,728

from 41 donors

This project received donations on Tue 07 Aug 2018
For some people, accessing education is about politics, not merit. You can change that.

Asylum seekers exist in a state of legal limbo.

They exercise a human right when they seek safety in another country, because they have reason to believe that their lives are in danger in their home country.

In the UK, many asylum seekers live on a budget of £5.39 a day.

They are not allowed to work.

The UK government charges them international student fees.

They can't apply for student finance.

So without close to £100,000 in savings, how are asylum-seeking students supposed to access higher education?

You can change that.

The One More Education campaign has been set up to allow asylum-seeking students the opportunity to study at the University of York. Your support today will go towards supporting an Equal Access Scholarship at York.

The University has agreed to introduce complete fee waivers for two asylum-seeking students at York for the next three years.

But this fee waiver alone is not enough - how would an Equal Access Scholar travel to and from campus, or live in campus accommodation, or buy books, or go on field trips on a £5.39 daily allowance? The Equal Access Scholarship is also made up of a £10,660 living award for Equal Access scholars to be able to make the most out of their time at York. But this can only happen with your generosity.

At the moment, incredible supporters are helping five scholars experience higher education at York. But there are thousands more out there need your help. Let's help one more.

You'll be supporting someone like Maryam, who works tirelessly to represent students alongside her degree. She's recently been elected as a YUSU Student Trustee and as one of York's delegates to the NUS conference.

Or you'll be helping someone whose support not only means that they can provide some stability for themselves, but for their families, too.

We promise that 100% of your donation will go towards making access to university for asylum seekers about merit, not politics.

And we have some great rewards in place to thank you for your contributions to this vital cause.

We'll keep you informed every step of the way, and if you want to go further, you can sign up to become part of a network of people who, like you, are passionate about making education accessible to all . Here, you'll receive messages that you can share among your networks and personalise to make your own - we've got some great prizes to reward you as your impact grows, too!

Your support is crucial in helping asylum-seeking students access education on equal terms as their peers. For every one person we help, there is always one more who needs us.

equalize access to education. donate today.

thank you!