• Double your Donation

  • YuFund matchfunded £125 thanks to alumni and friends of York

Resolution of Sound

A project by: Samra Mayanja



from 30 donors

This project received donations on Fri 26 May 2017
Poetry Meets New Music

We’re raising £500 to host an explosive event that combines spoken word poetry and contemporary music. Through this event we hope to bring the community together and bridge artistic and generational barriers

Who are you?

Hey, I'm spoken word poet, artist and part time runner. I've been performing and hosting spoken word workshops since fighting my fear of reading my poetry in 2015. My artistic efforts are mainly focused on bringing opposite corners of the community together. Oh, and I study economics.

Sapphire Littler is co-organiser of the project. She is a clarinettist and contemporary music specialist. She enjoys performing with a range of musical ensembles, and one day dreams to get her PhD in Music. Sapphire has always believed all arts should be inclusive- not exclusive, and works hard to show that new music can be for everyone.

Your story

The project can be broken down into stages 1 - 5:

  1. WE SENT OUT AN OPEN CALL: Poets in the area were invited to submit poems for composer to work with.
  2. COMPOSERS CHOOSE POETS: The composers were invited to review the pool of poems submitted and discuss literary devices that they could translate into their work.
  3. GET TO WORK: After selection of their poem, composers and poets are in continual contact in order to create an original composition using aspects of each art form in a coherent way. After the completion of the pieces, musicians will be auditioned. During rehearsals, the instruments (including the poets voice) are brought together and tweaked
  4. WORKSHOPS: Towards the final stages of the rehearsals we invited a group of over 50s and under 19s to attend two participatory workshops. Each workshop will include an open rehearsal, Q&A with the composer and poet of the piece and a 1 hour performance poetry workshop. Workshops will be centred on themes in the rehearsed piece. An anthology documenting the development of the project will include the poetry written during the workshops alongside the work from the main event
  5. THE BIG NIGHT: The event on 3 June will feature the work of the composers and poets and an improvisation piece during the interval

why we need you!

York is an amazing city with interesting things happening all the time but there definitely isn't anything like this happening. We really want to:
  • Bring artists together and bridge artistic barriers to give the audience a memorable event!
  • Through our workshops we want to facilitate collective creation, particularly intergenerational work
  • Our project brings over 50 poets, composers, musicians and artists together to create something new! It is an amazing opportunity for artists in the area to challenge each other

It would make all of us (and all those who participate) super super happy if you could kindly donate to this project and make something magical happen x

Where will the money go?

  • Venue Hire £150
  • Lighting and Sound Equiptment Rental £200
  • Print/Online Publicity £50
  • Anthology Printing Anthology £50
  • Transportation of Instruments/Equiptment £50


We've got some magical rewards coming your way, check them out!

Find us here

Find us on social media:

Website https://resolutionofsound.wixsite.com/york

Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/resolutionofsound/

Facebook Event https://www.facebook.com/events/630622440480856/

Instagram @resolutionofsound https://www.instagram.com/resolutionofsound/

