YuFund matchfunded £100
caused 2 donations totalling £340.00
caused 2 donations totalling £30.00
caused 1 donation of £15.00
5 anonymous donations totalling £564.00
YuFund matchfunded £100 thanks to alumni and friends of York
A project by: Celine Yu
from 44 donors
YuFund matchfunded £100
caused 2 donations totalling £340.00
caused 2 donations totalling £30.00
caused 1 donation of £15.00
5 anonymous donations totalling £564.00
Select this reward if you just want to donate to the project without receiving a reward.
23 claimedThank you for your donation! You will be receiving a Shout Out on both our Instagram and Facebook!
10 claimedThank you for your help! As well as the above, your name will be added to the credits of our film!
3 claimedThanks for your donation! As well as everything mentioned above, you will receive a digital copy of the script and a signed postcard by the entire crew!
5 claimedThank you! As well as the above, you will receive a digital copy of the film’s original soundtrack!
1 claimedThanks for your donation! As well as the above, you will receive a signed “magic show” poster from the film!
2 claimedThank you for your donation! As well as everything mentioned before, you will receive a personalised video message from the cast and the crew as well as a booklet containing the music sheets of all our songs.
1 claimedTell us why you are reporting this project: