The Veil is a short psychological horror that aims to delve into the mental state of someone whose thoughts are spiralling out of her control, to the point where she is losing her grip on reality. The vision we have cannot be brought to life without your help.
Shaken by the death of her husband, Maria is taken by her lover James to his remote house in the countryside. But despite his efforts, she cannot move on and embrace a new life with him.
Tortured by the guilt of their affair, which she can no longer reconcile, Maria’s mind is beginning to unravel.
The house is cold and uninviting, and surrounded by dense woods that threaten her. She starts to see dark, shapeless figures that watch her from the forest treeline surrounding the house, and as she struggles to connect with James and suppress her guilt, the figures increase in number.
They close in on her, and her distress grows until she cannot hold it back any longer, and the figures consume her.
Who are we?
Our team is a group of 8 final year BSc Film and Television Production students studying at the University of York. We’re currently working towards creating our biggest and most challenging project yet, something that can't be achieved without your help, and with our eagerness and wide array of individual skills we can’t wait to get started.

Where will your money go?
To create Maria’s collapsing world we will be using a number of ambitious filmmaking techniques. To achieve this we are aiming to reach a target goal of £2,500 which cannot be done without your help and donations.
Following Maria’s harrowing journey, her grip on reality becomes increasingly blurred with the surreal. This is most clearly represented by the dark and shapeless figures that haunt her. Making these figures convincing and threatening will involve complex prosthetics, costumes and makeup that will look amazing, but will come at a cost.
In the most surreal sequence of the film, we aim to show Maria’s internal state in a unique way through the use of projection mapping technology. This will allow us to trace focussed light and images onto Maria’s face to represent her clashing thoughts and the guilt that is consuming her.
In order to create this tense atmosphere, we're aiming to secure a secluded cottage surrounded by dense woods. Additionally, committed actors are essential to enhance this character driven piece, and keeping the cast and crew happy with food and drinks is a must on any film set!
Budget Breakdown:
Location - £600
Travel - £100
Catering - £350
Actors - £500
Production design - £400
Additional equipment - £300
Contingency - £250
TOTAL: £2,500
We understand that we’re asking for a lot and donating is not always possible. However, the little things add up; from sharing and following our social media pages (below), to donating as little as £1, we would hugely appreciate anything that would help our film grow!
Following our social media pages will allow you to keep up to date with how the development and progress of The Veil is going, you’ll also get access to behind the scenes sneak peaks and get to know the inspirations behind the film.
Thank you for your time and support,
The Veil Crew