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Football Fitness- Strength and Conditioning for UYWAFC

A project by: University of York Women's Football



from 13 donors

This project received donations on Wed 17 Apr 2019
We are a competitive university club hoping to raise extra funding for strength and conditioning

What are we trying to do? 

We currently have over 35 club members who form two teams that play in highly competitive BUCS leagues. As a prominent university sports club, we seek to encourage and improve the involvement of women in sport. We currently do this by running weekly open sessions at the University of York to promote involvement of all abilities, and through working closely with the college football league to support the captains.

To enable both teams to compete at the best of their abilities we have started running regular fitness sessions for our players. These come at a cost to the club. In helping us fund S&C (Strength and Conditioning) and fitness sessions to prepare for next season, you could help us develop an edge over our competition. Strength and fitness training is becoming increasingly necessary due to the growing competitiveness of both our leagues, as the popularity and profile of women's football is raised nationally.

The standard of play in our leagues means it is vital to get specialist training for our players. With your help we would also like to be able to offer the goalkeeper squad their own training session with a specialist coach outside of core hours.

You can help us as we battle to get our teams promoted next season! 

how can you help?

- £26 will pay for sports hall hire for one indoor fitness session

- £15 will pay for a specialist fitness coach to run one fitness session

- £15 will pay for a goalkeeper coach to run one session with our goalkeeper squad

- £75 will pay for one strength and conditioning session in the off-season for all first and second team players

support our project

Please donate by clicking on the right of the page!

If you are unable to donate any money, you can help us by sharing our project with those that might like to support us.

You can share our project by

- Liking us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/UYWAFC/

- Following us on Twitter https://twitter.com/UYWAFC

- Following us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/uywafc/

If you want to know anymore please email us at womensfootball@yusu.org. We would be really grateful for whatever support you can give us.