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  • YuFund matchfunded £400 thanks to alumni and friends of York

White Nurse - Fringe Tour

A project by: White Nurse


WE RAISED £1,355

from 11 donors

This project received donations on Sat 27 Apr 2019
'White Nurse' is a piece of new writing by Abby Coppard presented by JustOut Theatre

Our Project:

JustOut Theatre are raising money to cover the cost of their tour of the UK’s Fringe Festivals. This will allow us, as a brand new company of creatives, to showcase our work within the industries most exciting, electric and radical Fringe festivals and their audiences.

Our Story:

JustOut Theatre are Keira MacAlister, Ben Wilson and Gabriel Stewart. This year we are taking Abby Coppard’s ‘White Nurse’ to the Great Yorkshire, Buxton and Camden Fringes. Designed, produced, performed and directed by students, we want to share our work with industry professionals as we look to establish ourselves as industry professionals. White Nurse is a show about love, addiction and the internal struggle. It focuses on emotional and physical abuse in relationships, and the way young women are manipulated into dependency. Although it tackles deep issues, the play is inherently hopeful, showing that the victims of domestic abuse need not be trapped in the cycle forever. The UK’s Fringe circuit is famed for its great expense that we as emerging artists cannot cover solely by ourselves. We need YOUR generous donations to pay for venue hire, marketing material, set design, costume and administration fees. All money raised will go directly towards the art we make - we need YOUR help to make this project possible. 

Where will the money go?

As mentioned above every penny you donate for the Fringe tour will be used to fund the art we make. JustOut Theatre are a not-for-profit organisation, so any excess funds will be recycled back into the company.  If we went above our target this would be amazing. The more money raised, the better our outreach, and the more likely we grab the attention of fellow artists and audiences. Any extra money raised will be reinvested into the tour meaning more resources can be purchased, all excess money at the end of the Fringe tour will be recycled back into the company to fund future projects. You will be able to track updates on our fundraising endeavors through our various social media channels - our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We cannot wait to share all aspects of our story with you. For those who like a bit of #detail - please find a full breakdown of cost here:
  • Venue Hire - £500
  • Administration Fees - £300
  • Creative Budget - £200
  • Marketing Budget - £200
  • Contingency (this will allow us some breathing space) - £100
Within the context of most Fringe festivals, £1300 is relatively cheap - this is because we have already established strong partnerships that have seen us acquire free accommodation - normally a major expense.


We’re not asking for your money for nothing in return - please check out the groovy rewards you can bag yourselves for the smallest of donations.
  • £1 - the satisfaction of knowing your money has gone to a good place
  • £5 - shout out on all social media platforms - and a thank you on our website
  • £10 - personally written thank you letter from one member of the cast or crew detailing how exactly your donation will help them personally
  • £20 - signed poster by the cast
  • £30 - 2X free tickets to the performances 
  • £50 - a copy of the play signed by the playwright
  • £70 - 2X free tickets with snacks provided for the show, signed poster, signed play, thank you letter
  • £100 - cast and crew meet and greet, 2X free tickets with snacks provided for the show, signed poster, signed play, thank you letter

Any reward that contains complementary tickets does not include subsidised travel. 

Help us succeed!

We absolutely appreciate that not everyone is in a position to financially donate to this project - however, you don’t need to give money to help us succeed. Please share this project with anyone you think would support us – on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog. In fact, share it with everyone you know as we think it's a great idea, and the more people who know about it, the more likely we are to make this work out brilliantly. And we know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please sponsor us and help make this happen.